After The Party

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I need to make my move and fast if I want to see this lady again. Ginny said she was not the kind to fall for any insincere actions on my part. So I put my best foot forward and asked her for her number and if she would like to have dinner with me. I will be explaining myself at the dinner and tell her about the ad. It might end it and it might not. But after sitting next to her and talking to her it is more than sexual attraction for me.
He figured out who I was by doing background checks because of Enid's letters to him. So he is ad guy, wow had I known he looked this good I would have met him.  Definitely a physical attraction, but it is more than that for me, I hope it is more for him as well. I give him my number and agree to a dinner date. He walks me to my car and kisses my cheek saying he had an early meeting. I laugh and say I get to sleep in lol. I get in my car and drive off as he watches me drive off.
I am already missing her company. My mother says well you are sure taken by Nan aren't you? I tell her that I have a date with her friend if that was a okay with her. I then ask her how long have they been friends?
I went her book signing and our friendship started from there and we are working on a few book ideas together. So it has been over a month. She is a very good person James so treat her well or answer to me or Enid and her whole family. I tell him that if they get serious I am all for it and want more grand babies.
Mother do you really like her or just desperate for more grand babies lol?
I want you happy and married and children but not if you aren't happy with your mate. So choose wisely. Your sisters and I really like this lady and would kick your ass if you hurt her do you understand that?
Yes mom and I will try not to hurt her.(my mom and my sister scare me) I have to go mom. I give her a hug and kiss her cheek. I get in the car and my driver pulls off.
3 days later
I am dressing for my date with James London of all people and is the ad guy. It is like fate interceded and here we are. So I dress nicely in an outfit that will fit in any restaurant. Enid has her nose all up in my dinner date with ad guy/James London. Of course I know who James is in the business world. I am nervous because of Enid. She is more excited than I am. I finally am ready just as a knock on my door sounds. I open it with Enid in tow. It is James with daisies in his hand.
I am anxious about this dinner and don't know why. I buy daisies because they are simple and hard to find. Roses just don't say what I want to say. Daisies are used in the he lives me he lives me not game. I am wanting she loves me end of the game. Ann is very beautiful and at the restaurant I couldn't take my eyes off her as she walked in my direction. Gina interrupted our locked gaze. Then Isobel showed up, I was hoping Ann was Isobel. My luck wasn't good that night. I am so glad Enid stumbled onto Gina and Isobel plotting against me. Now I am glad my mother and her matchmaking efforts.
Two hours earlier.
I keep getting these feelings about this situation and I have dreams about Ann and two young children being chased around a big meadow with daisies all over the place. A man is chasing the children while all are laughing. Ann is in pain calling out and the man runs with the children in tow and in my dreams Ann is very pregnant and in labor. I have had these dreams for the last year. My dreams usually come true. The time line is not always the way we like though. So here I am annoying the hell out of Ann giving her suggestions on her outfits.
Will you go home please before I am arrested for assaulting you. You do know I have dated since I was 16 right?
But this is a billionaire, not an ordinary guy. So you need to dress accordingly.
Well I am not a billionaire and as such I wear what I can ford without starving myself to buy better okay. So if he doesn't like it he can find a billionaire to date and marry okay. Finally she shuts up and helps me with everything. We hear a knock at the door and I head to the door of course Enid follows me and I open the door and there he is in all his gorgeousness. He smiles big and says beautiful daisies for a beautiful lady. Daisies are harder to find and better than roses. I turn and hand the daisies to Enid and tell to put them in a vase and to lock up afterward. He takes my arm and we lock the door and leave.
I just hope it all works out. I put her daisies in her favorite vase and leave to find my husband. He owes me a date night. I walk out and notice an odd looking man watching me. I jump into my car and call Ann and tell her about the strange man outside her apartment. I describe him to her and she gasps. She says to call dad immediately. Let him know now.

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