The Lost Letter

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Kept wondering why the guy from the big ad had never answered her letters. She doubted anyone would not want to at least write back to acknowledge receipt of such articulate letters. So she decided to amp it up.

Dear Sir,
I am 29 and single, I am looking to marry and have children. I saw your ad and of course it must have drawn a lot of letters. I am sure that you just overlooked mine in the whole bunch. I am a writer and have written a lot of things. I will just leave it at that. I know you will find out anyway lol. Anyway I have a cat, someone left her in my trash can in a plastic bag. Luckily I found her and bottle fed her until she could eat from a bowl. She is my baby. I love children and want them. From your ad you do as well. I am a simple woman although I was widowed early and had no children from that marriage. I am family oriented and have a loving family. I don't have any grandparents living, I miss them.
I like dancing, singing playing the violin, flying and other outdoor activities are a must. I am very active physically and my energy annoys my family. My mom said I was hyper all while she was pregnant with me. So she was ready for me to hit the ground running after I was born. Anyway I am tired of married men thinking I am easy game since I am a widow. They just don't get it that cheaters always cheat and if they are out looking they will be always looking for their next victim. Anyway I believe marriage is for life and hopefully in the next realm and rebirth. Okay the people from India can't all be wrong to believe in reincarnation can they? I want to be cremated especially after seeing Deliverance and Poltergeists movies. I don't want folks moving my bones anywhere, so cremation for me.
Off on another tangent. A prenuptial agreement is fine with me, since I have assets to protect as well. I do however ask if we have children that trusts funds are set up for them, with certain stipulations for all of them. Each child is different so they need to be treated in different ways. I know my parents have and it worked out great.
Anyway if you want to meet me let me know
Your(well not yet) Truly
Ann Lane

I hope that does it, Ann is about to get another cat. I am afraid she might become a crazy cat lady. She has been working on a new educational book series. Anyway off to mail this to yet another post office box. What is funny is that we probably know this guy. Ann has a good group of friends and they always look after her.

Ann Lane
I keep getting unknown numbers on my caller ID. I don't understand it and I will never answer unknown numbers. After my husbands will was probated and the state settled with me and his family for his death in the pursuit of a criminal. They caught the criminal and killed my husband and two others while recklessly pursuing the criminal. They called relentlessly trying to get me to drop ,y law suit against them. I even got a visit from the cop who caused my husbands death. Luckily my attorney was at my home when they pounded on the door and implied I was breaking the law. They had no idea who my attorney was and that he also was a civil rights attorney. He called the DA and let's just say the cop has close friends in jail he is now living with. He had to be hospitalized the first 24 hours and now he is in isolation for his own safety. It took three years to get my insurance and the settlement from the state due to some manipulation of the actual facts of the case. We had to show that my husband did die while committing a crime. So I lost everything and had to move in with my family. Which turned out the best for my own safety. Unfortunately the cop had no idea I no longer lived in my home that my husband and I bought. He decided to pay me a visit at 2AM, he beat the wife and husband badly, it was all caught on cctv footage. They were kinky and loved to watch themselves later. They won their lawsuit big time. But he left them scarred for life. So now I do not answer unknown calls. I now have cop friends who watch out for me. They never liked how everything went down and were trying to get this cop off the force, but until he came after me they had no proof. He gave them proof and then some on the cctv footage. So to keep anyone digging further they settled with everyone in the cases. My husbands life and auto insurance was paid soon afterward.
I am calling this Ann Lane to set up an interview to meet with me and see what she is really like. Something is off about her letters. Somehow we got several letters at once. The dates were from the original ad date and when asked the post office said it was due to equipment failure and the letters were found while a routine cleaning on the machine. I am glad it wasn't life or death situation, but machines break down. But this woman has a great background, some cloudy issues about her husbands death though. She won a settlement but it is under a gag order. So we can't get the information at all. All the pulling of strings won't help at all I tried my best. Now  just need to get her on the phone. I think I might have to use a pay phone.

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