Fate Fullfilled Invitation?

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I am have decided to have a party and introduce Nan Neal to the rest of my family as one of my friends. I want her to feel welcomed by the rest of my family. I told her to bring the rest of her family along. I know that she wants her real name to remain unknown for now. But when she feels more comfortable, we can use her real name. But since everyone knew her as Nan Neal we would keep it that way for now. Her family would attend the party and use her pen name during it. She said due to being victimized by not one but three stalkers she ended up in the hospital twice after they broke into her apartments and hurt her. The third one was the 911 caller to get her help. He stopped stalking after he saw what the other two stalkers had done. Apparently he had himself committed for psychiatric issues. But the damage was done physically and emotionally.
I explained to Erica privately why I want to keep my real name private for now. She agreed. I asked jokingly if there were any stalkers attending her arty? She said not that she knows about.
Nan was very serious when she asked if there were any stalkers coming to her party. I hope not. Our families and certain trusted close friends are coming. Her being a widow I want to introduce her to some nice single men I know. Including my son.
My mother has invited me to a party at the family compound. Just family and friends and to introduce a new friend and her family. I give Ginny a heads up to get more security for that day. It is a big bbq casual sort of thing. I invited Ginny and her family along with my COO Freesia Cooper and husband Al.
I asked If I could invite Enid and her husband, he said I could.
Ginny invited me to a party at the London's home and told me to bring Ann with me. I realized why right away. Ann unfortunately has been invited to a party that day already and was asked to invite the whole family along. But she is going as her pen name. We all have to use her pen name while there. She has new friends that met her at her book signing.
My family minus Enid are all coming to the party at Ericas. I am in a blue jean outfit and brought a small bag with a sweater and change of clothing just in case. I will be signing books for some of Ericas friends and family in her private office. Then we have fun, no doubt about it Erica and her friends and daughters are fun to be around. So much that my family are here with me today. Enid is going to her own event today.
I walk by and see Ann's car being parked by the Valet. She has vanity plates ALwrtr1. Most don't know what that means. Ann Lane writer 1. I see Ginny and we make introductions and she told me you are going to love this Nan Neal the writer is here. So is your sister. I pull her away and explain that Ann is Nan Neal. I chuckle.
Omg really Erica is ad guys mother lol. Talk about fate. We have to get these two together, Erica has them sitting by each other. I ran a background on Nan and it was very good. So is Ann's, she has some good people helping her to do that background for her.
She did it herself. I laugh and we go back to meeting people.
Mother has me sitting by the writer friend of hers. I do believe she is trying to set me up once again. Nan Neal who names their kid that really? I wonder about it, but her background was benign. The only thing that stood out was her moving abruptly after just living in apartment twice. When security dig deeper they found incident reports regarding a female victim. Ambulance calls, but medical records couldn't be obtained. No record of Nan Neal existed after the ambulance.
I can't tell James that he is going to be sitting by Ann Lane pen name Nan Neal. I chuckle as I watch him check out the place cards on the table. I then see Erica leading Nan aka Ann to her seat. James watches as his mom leads the writer to her seat. Erica introduces Nan/Ann to James. He will need a bib soon. The drool is getting as bad as his speechlessness. This is going to be a great party.
Ginny told me that ad guy is sitting by Ann for dinner. This is fun.  So ad guy is James London. Wow. I never in my lifetime he would place an ad.
Well he dated the normal way but they were all pretty much like Gina the gold digging bitch. As you saw even  Isobel had an agenda. Ann was the only one who didn't have one. But you did lol. You were trying to get your sister a mate. Nothing wrong in helping out. But you were not ding it honestly, so it ended badly. I believe in fate and I think this was fated.
I can't believe that the writer looks just like Ann Lane's photo. The background check on Nan had no pictures attached. I lean over and say my mother usually tries to set me up at these things. She laughs and says that's what family does to us single or widowed family or friends
I am shocked to see Erica bring the guy from the restaurant my way. She says he is her son as I am completely dumbfounded and asked if everything turned out for him that night. He looked confused. So I explain that my family and I were at the restaurant when he had his security team throw a woman out of the place.
Well I am glad to say with the help of a woman who saw the whole thing recorded my date and my ex colluding against me after in the garage. So it ended better than it could have had the woman not been there to record it all. The back story is not something I want to share with a stranger. Although a complete stranger saved me from a huge mistake.

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