A Reason To Be With You

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Title: A Reason To Be With You (Someone To Eat Cereal With)
Started: 16/05/20, 9:25 pm
Finished: 17/05/20, 11:35 am
Posted: 09/02/21, 4:22 pm
Edited: 09/02/21, 4:42 pm
Type/Genre: fluff
Word count: 766
Spoilers: none
Warnings: none
Rating: K
Prompt: Person A (Neal) wakes person B (Peter) at 4 am because they want someone to eat cereal with. Person B (Peter) questions why, but person A (Neal) surprises them and says "I just wanted a reason to be with you, is all..."


"Come on Neal, work with me please..." Peter grunts as he tries to drag the drugged man into the guest bed, but he doesn't seem to be cooperating so well...

"I don't want to go to sleep..."

"It's almost midnight, you should at least go to bed."

"But if I'm in a comfortable bed then I might fall asleep..."

"Exactly, so get in!"

With one last push, the agent finally succeeds and the half limp C.I. is on the bed ...mostly... His feet still dangled on the floor slightly. "Damn how bad did they drug you..." Peter muttered. Neal couldn't walk at all so Peter had to drag him up the stairs and to the guest room. He barely knew what was going on, but he seemed to be getting back to his senses. The trip from the hospital was long, but Neal didn't have any serious injuries and just required some rest.

"Peteeeer, I don't wanna go to beeed." his words are slurred and muffled (probably because his face is in the pillow). "Neal, you're already in bed." he replies a bit annoyed. At this, the ex-con raises his head slightly to glance at his surroundings. "Oh" he turns himself to the side to face his handler. "But I don't want to sleep." the man says again. The fed pushes his feet onto the bed and adjusts him, starting to pull the covers on him.

"I know you slept in the car, but you need more rest than that. Doctor's orders." he manages to tuck him in without much difficulty. Neal stares into his eyes with puppy ones, making a cute pouty face. "Oh no. Don't give that look. You're going to sleep. Now." Peter turned off the lights and headed for the door. "You better be asleep when I come back." he says before closing the door behind him. Truth is, he wasn't going to check on him, he just said that so that the boy would go to sleep asap.


"Peter! Wake up!" Neal whispered, shaking him lightly. "Huh? What?" the agent rubs his eyes tiredly and glances at the digital clock on the nightstand. "Neal it's 4 am, why aren't you asleep?" he asks not wanting to get up. He was so drained after everything that day. "I want to eat cereal with someone." he says and gives Peter the puppy eyes again. "Why?" the older man asks confused although it was probably because of the drugs.

The young man turns his head to the side for a moment, rubbing his neck sheepishly. At this, his handler raises a confused brow. He turns back to face him with the most innocent expression that Peter has ever seen on him, but what really surprises him is what he says afterwards. "I just wanted a reason to be with you, is all..." the ex-con man replies timidly. Seeing that Neal is dead serious about this, he sighs deeply, throwing the covers off of himself.

"Get in before I change my mind." the man grunts softly. His partner doesn't say a word and just stares at him for a second then slowly crawls next to him, closing his eyes as his head hits the warm pillow. Peter pulls the covers back over the two of them now and closes his eyes as well. A moment passes and he feels Neal's hand drop on his chest. The agent opens his eyes again and gives the boy a side glance, but he's already asleep with his head on Peter's shoulder.



Author's note: I didn't really mention why Neal was at the hospital because that's not important and I wanted to actually write that he got drugged, unlike in most of them where Neal's already drugged and the reason how he did become drugged is unknown. If that all makes sense lol Try to think dirty here and I'll murder you... (jk ofc) isn't meant to be sexual, don't tell me you don't cuddle with your homies

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