In Your Lap

774 16 2

Title: In Your Lap
Started: 25/04/20, 10:11 pm
Finished: 26/04/20, 9:39 am
Posted: 09/02/21, 4:19 pm
Edited: 13/05/20, 8:11 pm
Type/Genre: fluff, friendship
Word count: 366
Spoilers: none
Warnings: none
Rating: K
Prompt: Person B (Peter) wants to use their laptop on the couch, but Person A (Neal) always occupies the space in their lap. -brought to you by: eliasz


Peter Burke sighed as he tried to find a way to 'speed up drug recovery'. His whole body ached and he just couldn't rest. To ease himself, he sat on the couch next to his drugged C.I. who was just staring at the ceiling, completely oblivious to the man, and was about to place the laptop in his lap when a mess of black hair and bright blue eyes suddenly landed its' head on the place.

He stared at the boy for a moment still holding his laptop in the air. "Neal..." he said softly, annoyed. It wasn't the ex-con's fault for being drugged, but Peter couldn't help, but blame him for always getting himself into trouble. "Hmm?" the boy hummed in response, glassy eyes meeting his own as his head turned slightly to face him. "Why are you resting in my lap?" he asked, his patience for holding the laptop draining.

The young man looked up to the ceiling again. "I don't know..." he trailed off. "Neal." the older man pressed on, well aware that he knew. His partner turned his head to face him again. "I feel safe here... with you..." he looked so innocent and fragile that Peter just couldn't push him away. He sighed and placed his laptop on the table then leaned back, sinking into the sofa.

A gentle hand played with the boy's soft curles, untangling them. Neal shifted himself to face away from Peter, but didn't move away from him. He closed his eyes and welcomed the comforting touch trying not to fall asleep. The agent worked around him with one hand typing on the laptop and the other in the mess of hair on his lap.



Author's note: short & soft uwu

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