Chapter 1

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The wind picked up pace and the hot summer sun beat down on the ground as Imogene Baker walked to work. She hung her head low to block out its intense glare and prayed that she'll reach work soon.

Every day it was like this. Walking the few blocks from her apartment to work. She really didn't mind the walk at all, because most days it gave her time to think. But on hot days where it seems like the sun was angry at her, she wished she had a car.

At last, she reached the coffee shop where she works. She was an hour early as she was every morning. Richard, the shop owner was not here most of the time, so he gave all his employees keys, so they could open up when he wasn't here or would be coming in late.

The door was already open now and she figured Aaron was already here. He was the first one here most days. Thankful for some reprieve from the sun, she pulled open the door with a sigh. The small bell over the door sounded announcing her entrance.

At the sound, Aaron looked up from where he stood behind the counter. He had a rag in his hands and was busy wiping down the countertops. He offered her a smile as she walked over to him.

"Hi, Imogene. You look tired. Had trouble with the sun again?" Aaron teased her lightly.

Having been friends with Aaron Dawkins since she started working here a year and a half ago, he knew her too well. She walked around to the side of the counter he was on. "You have no idea."

"I told you, I can pick you up from your apartment on my way to work. I wouldn't mind at all." Aaron suggested as he always does.

Aaron was the closest friend she has ever had. He would always cheer her up when she was having a bad day and he was kind to her. She shared everything about herself with him and she was always comfortable around him. No one could make her smile as he could.

"Thanks for the offer, Aaron," Imogene replied. "But as I've said before that won't be necessary. I don't want to put you out of your way. Besides, it's a very short distance. I can manage. The walk is also good for me."

"Okay." Aaron smiled once again. "But if you ever change your mind, the offer is still open."

"I'll keep that in mind." Imogene walked towards the back door that was located towards the right of the cash register.

She walked over to the small locker cabinet that stood up against the wall in a corner of the room. Finding her locker, she opened it. Five people were working at the coffee shop, including Richard and each person had a locker to themselves.

Imogene took out her red apron that had the words 'Richie's Coffee House' written on the front in white bold letters. She wrapped it around her green T-shirt and light blue jeans.

Richie's Coffee House was located in the heart of the city. It wasn't a big coffee shop but was still a popular stop for most of the residents in town or the surrounding neighbourhood. The place was swarmed in the early morning by customers stopping in for their early morning coffee before work. It was also packed during the day as well during the lunch hour. Imogene liked working here and so far had no complaints.

After shoving her handbag into the locker, she closed it and walked back towards the front. She washed her hands and got ready for work.


"I love the way you make the coffee, dear. It's the highlight of my morning." Mrs. Benson, an elderly woman complimented. Mrs. Benson was a regular and would always tell Imogene how much she loves her coffee.

"Thanks, Mrs. Benson." Imogene smiled politely and handed her coffee over to her.

"You know, my third grandchild was born on Thursday. She's such a sweet little angel." Mrs. Benson went on proudly.

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