School incident

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(Grayson POV)

                   I roll out of bed and stretch, taking a second to acknowledge the strange feeling in my stomach, like something bad is going to happen today. I throw on a black shirt with grey joggers and blue Adidas. Slinging my school bag over my shoulder since soccer was over, I walk through the house to the kitchen and grab my keys off the table as well as a package of doughnuts. I bid goodbye to the parents and walk outside to my truck. When I get to the school, I throw away my trash and go to first period. Halfway through my third period class, history, the overhead speakers went off. "Intruder, this is not a drill" it repeated a few times as I grabbed my phone and get in the area with the rest of the class. I shot a text to the U.S group chat I was in along with my parents and siblings, telling them I love them and that we don't really know what is going on besides the fact that it's not a drill. Even though the door was locked, the glass beside it broke and the person unlocked the door. I look up to meet the boy that had laid his hands on me that day when Hope found me. I slowly stood up, beside the sea of students pushed into the corner. He points the gun at me and then motions for everyone else to leave the room and I nod at them telling them to go without my words. I raise my hands slowly and choose to speak. "I'm bullet proof, nothing to loose, fire away, fire away" he aims the gun at my lower stomach and pulls the trigger five times, all of the bullets making different holes in my stomach. A warm liquid started to run through my hands which were grabbing at my stomach. I see a young girl looking at me through the doorway with tears running down her cheeks and I send her a small smile through all of my pain. "That's for denying me Keys" a few people in black clothes run in and I am trying to focus through my blurry vision. Someone comes over to me and presses down on my stomach, causing me to let out a grunt. "Hey, I am Jayce, what's your name kiddo?" "Greyson Keys" "I need you to focus on me Greyson" I nod with some of the energy I have left. "How old are you kid?" "sixteen, I turned a few days after Christmas" A while later, I was on a gurney and my head was spinning. " 'Mmm dizzy" I mumble and one of the paramedics encourages me to keep my eyes open. They were all talking as I was wheeled into the ed. After a while I was put under anesthesia and everything went black. 


I groan as I shift just the tiniest bit. "Hey princess" "Mom?" "Yeah" she says as she presses a button by my bed, probably signaling the fact that I am awake. The doctor comes in and talks to us as my dad walks in the door. They successfully removed the bullets and gave me a blood transfusion because I lost a lot of blood. 


After a week of rehab and being in the hospital I was finally allowed to go home. I was not allowed to start lifting anything five pounds or above. I just pray that I can go back to normal as soon as possible. "I'm gonna go and shower" "Okay, just yell if you need anything Grey" "Okay" I grab black shorts and a blue tank top with undergarments and towels. I started the shower in the bathroom and took the shirt that I was wearing off, looking in the mirror at all of the scars that I have. After a few minutes of looking at my scars, I decide to finally strip out of my other clothes and step into the shower. When I get out I put on my shorts and undergarments before I blow dry my hair. Soon after, there was a knock on the door and mom asked if I was okay. "I'm fine, i'll be down in a few" I grab a ponytail and brush and throw my tank top on my bed before making my way to the living room. I play around with the brush as I talk. "Mom, will you do my hair?" "Of course, braid?" I nod as I sit in front of her, pulling my knees up to my chest. She gets done and wraps her arms around my shoulders. "You don't need to be ashamed of those you know, they're pretty badass" I smile at her while I figure out what to say. "Yeah, I guess they are". I end up sitting on her lap and falling asleep. Let's just say it was the best sleep that I had in a while.

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