Chapter 6

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It had been a few weeks since Minho was sick. The couple made up and we back to normal. Well that's what they said. Changbin on the other hand was taking a break from his relationship with Felix. It was his idea but he was just sad that Felix didn't try harder he wanted to feel the love. A part of him told him he was stupid and he started this without hearing what Changbin thought. Another part of him calling him pathetic for thinking he could be loved. He had two dads who only cared about each other not him. They adopted him because of Hyunjin. He was pathetic and he didn't want to believe it but he knew deep down he was. The words your not enough echoed in his head. It was his own voice but he had never said those words in his life. It was his inner voice dangerous as murder but so tempting to listen to like suicide.

It was currently 6pm Minho was getting dressed up as it was his first time meeting his brother. Since they messaged they had taken a few tests to make sure they had the right person. They didn't send pictures of each other as they both wanted it to be a surprise.

'Where are you going looking all handsome' Chan said calmly though he had to force the word out of his mouth due to jealousy swelling his throat. 'I am going out to see a friend' he replied. He didn't want to tell Chan the truth yet he wanted to figure this all out first before telling anyone. He thought he was stupid at one point but then he decided that he wouldn't listen to his brain. Oh but did he not know that he was ignoring the wrong voices. These voices were a warning but he was falling into a pit of voices who only wanted the worst of him. Save him from his self

Chan jut nodded and left the room. Minho was still not allowed to be under stress as there was a possibility he may enter into a coma. He wanted to say something but he had to keep his emotions bottled in. Every since there fight Min had spent a lot of time on his phone laughing with someone. He seemed so happy that it burned Chan's insides.

It had been 8years since they came to Australia to get married as gay marriages in Korea were not allowed yet. In those 8 years he had never seen Minho so happy. In fact even Hyunjin was more distant spending all his time with his boyfriend non of them had met.


Felix had decided he had enough with this stupid break. He was gonna prove how much he loved Binnie even if it costed him his life. He yearned for him, he craved him, and not just because he looked like an onigiri 🍙.

He decided to call Seungmin and Jeongin to help him. He knew calling Jeongin was a big risk but this was Hyunjin's little brother so it would be even more special considering how much Hyunjin means to Bin. In fact it was Hyunjin who help Banginho with the adoption.

He had a plan he was working with Minho. They were planning Bin's b-day surprise. As Minho and Chan were big well-known business people Minho had gotten in contact with the one and only Jisung even though Felix was still confused how MInho had gotten hold of Jisung he did have one of the biggest music companies in Australia. Felix always found it so cool how they came from Korea to get married and became such a successful power couple, it really intrigued him.

But right now all he cared about was Bin and how he would get his Binnie back.

When I was editing the save him from his self part I thought of when on the news they said "but can we save Donald Trump from himself" lmao that's cracked me up no offence to anyone. Peace ✌️

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