Death of a Legend

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The view slowly pans down onto New Alderaan.

It is raining heavily as a crowd of mourners gathers in front of a large cathedral-like structure to pay their final respects to Chancellor Leia Organa. There is a holo-image of Leia's likeness on display for all to see.

Newly commissioned Chancellor Holodo stands in front of Leia's obsidian coffin. Admiral Calrissian stands beside her. Chancellor Holdo gives a speech commemorating Chancellor Organa's long and colorful life. Tears begin streaming down her face, unnoticed by the crowd due to the heavy rains. She turns to the pallbearers and nods, signaling that it is time for them to carry Leia's coffin into the sacred flame of the cathedral.

Chancellor Holdo turns to the crowd and notices three dark-robed figures of various heights standing in the crowd. The three figures begin to slowly fade. She turns to Admiral Calrissian and asks if she saw that to which Admiral Calrissian says that she did. The two women stand there staring off into the crowd wondering who or what was among the crowd of mourners.

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