A lively afternoon

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I'll apologize in advance for any grammatical, timeline and/or character errors made in this chapter and in the future. I do proofread and do a lot of research  but there still might be an error or two. Please do not hesitate to point them out.

On another note, I wrote 1,600 words for this chapter which is a lot for me. I'll try to keep the future chapters at least 1,000 words.

Hope you like it! :D


"Leocadia Vermillion, you bring that back this instant!" I heard my younger twin brother shout behind me. I dodged a sweltering wave of flame by rolling out of the way.

"Never! You'll have to catch me first little bro!" I shouted gleefully back at him, catching a glimpse of his enraged and embarrassed form. I had snatched a pair of his more mortifying pairs of underwear. They had little white ponies with manes of bright orange flame all over them. Quite fitting if you had to ask me.

I hopped over the hedge in the far edge of the garden, rolling on impact before I got up and started running again. He started chasing me around the fountain behind the hedge, him only a few steps behind. Dang, he's shorter than me, how the hell is he faster than me?! I thought as I was tackled unceremoniously into the fountain, Fuegoleon making a grab for the underwear I had clenched tightly in my fist. We rolled out of the ornate stone fountain, slinging water everywhere as we wrestled, grunting and growling at each other.

Just as I was about to toss him off of me, a fist covered in flame came sweeping down towards us, causing us to jump apart. It was our big sister, Mereoleona. We knew to be shit-scared of her as we started sprinting as if our lives depended on it, because it sort of did. Leona was a bit of a nutcase when it came to fighting and she joined in on the action whenever possible.

"This is all your fault Cade! If you didn't steal my stuff I wouldn't have to chase you around like a lunatic!" Fuegoleon yelled at me with a hint of fear in his countenance. Our squabbles (read, "My teasing") usually ended similarly to right now, with us running fearfully away from our sister.

"I'll give you back your pony panties if you help us get away from her! I'll even do your history paper!" I said this with a smirk, peeking over to the side at him with my hand out. He blushed cutely at the jab but quickly slapped his palm against my open hand, latching on with a wide grin.

We began to laugh as we ran when we saw the bewildered looks on the servant's faces as we skidded into the kitchen, reaching for the fresh muffins on the counter. Our contingency plan for whenever Leona was chasing us was to feed her, and then hide.

We ran into the living room where our mother was taking her afternoon tea, big sister in tow. I turned and lobbed the warm blueberry muffin into Mereoleona's mouth, momentarily stunning her. My brother and I then made a run for one of our secret hiding spots in our large chateau.

We jogged down into one of the servants passages used for guest rooms that were rarely used. As we finally stopped, our breaths loud in the silence, we grinned at each other, underwear stealing debauckle forgotten. We slid against the damp wall, sagging in relief.

"Remind me to never get big sis on our ass again like that." I said jovially to my little brother.

"You always say that, and yet here we are." I heard the dryness in his voice and didn't even have to look at him to know that he had his brows raised accusatorially at me.

"It's your fault it took you so long to catch up to me shorty. Those little stubby legs aren't doing you any favors." I jabbed playfully, watching as scowl bloomed on his aristocratic features. I was three inches taller than him, standing at 5'8 at fifteen years old. This fact only served to tick off my brother. I knew within the next few years he would grow to be as least as tall as our father, the patriarch being six feet tall. We were identical really, aside from height. We both had sharp, defined features, despite still being children. We also had the same amethyst colored eyes, rimmed with the red markings of our royal house, along with the bright vermillion hair that denoted our family. Curse my moderately flat chest because I just looked like Fuegoleon's older brother. I knew I would fill out eventually, if my sister's massive knockers at seventeen were anything to go by.

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