when you become friends/hang out

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He starts to teach you more about science and you geek out together.

"I knew all this wasn't 'sorcery'. Science is so cool." You cheered out giddily.

"I know, it's nice to finally meet someone in this village who understands science!" Senku said as he smiled ear to ear. Meanwhile, a certain mentalist had been listening to their conversation from outside the 'science shed'.

'Science, I'll never understand their obsession with it.' Gen smirked as he watched you and Senku converse. You beamed with excitement as Senku showed you different ores and plants and explained their use.


You offer another bottle of the now mass-produced cola you crave all day, every day.

"Thanks." The mentalist smiled as you handed him the thirst-quenching beverage. You and gen sat next to each other comfortably on logs and watched as others did work. You sighed in relaxation before your peaceful state was interrupted by Senku throwing a sack of plants and herbs at you and hitting you square in the face.

"Hey! What was that for!" you yelled angrily at the leak haired man.

"Get to work, bumheads/shitheads."

You released a long, irritated sigh before getting up from your comfy spot. You looked over at Gen as he stands up as well and you both walk to help with some of the horrible manual labor.


Hyoga stared disappointedly at his precious spear he was always so proud of, which was now broken and split down the middle. You hid from around the corner and watched the depressed expression displayed on his face.

"Um... Hyoga-sama? Would like if I maybe tried fixing that?" the grey-haired man looked up at you as you slowly approached him.

"Hm? You can do that?"

"Yeah, I may not look it but I'm actually pretty handy!" you cheered proudly. He just nodded at your response, giving you permission to fix the fancy spear. You beamed at his approval and took his spear from him. You quickly examined it then ran off to get to work.



You asked Kinro to train with you after seeing his impressive skill, and he agreed after seeing your equally impressive talent. You easily dodged another one of his hits with your agility. You both stopped almost simultaneously and panted through exhaustion.

"How about we take a quick break." You huffed out between heavy breaths. He nodded and you both sat down on a nearby patch of grass.

"Your very skilled, we should train like this more often." You commented and smiled at the dark-haired man.

"Yes, that would be nice." He responded and smiled back at you. You then stood up and offered a hand to help him up and you two continued to train.


Ginro walked around the village in search of something interesting to do. An idea popped into his head, 'I wonder what Senku and (y/n) are doing.' And with that, he went on his way to find the two.

He arrived at the edge of the bridge that connected the outside world to the village. He walked over to the (h/c) haired person.

"Hello (y/n)! Whatcha' doing?" the said person turned around to face the source of the voice when Ginro's stomach growled, loudly, very loudly. The blonde-haired man turned a shade of red, embarrassment washing over him. They giggled cutely, which just made Ginro blush more.

"Here." (y/n) handed him a bowl of ramen. He accepted to delicious meal began eating, fuelling his hunger. "Don't you have guard duty today?" they questioned and suddenly the man in front of them went pale.

"Crap! Kinro's going to be so mad" he said and ran off.


Since you were revived you got to use your talent a lot, your talent was cooking so you basically cooked food for everyone, but no one knew it was you they thought it was just some random teammate of theirs, until.

One normal day had Tsukasa walking down alone one of many hallways when his stomach rumbled in need of food, however, you were further down the hallway in the kitchen area and head this. You peaked out to see who it was and saw it was Tsukasa, soon you thought you would walk over. While Tsukasa stood there embarrassed you startled him and soon started dragging him towards the kitchen area.

Later that day the only thing people could smell were cookies that both you Tsukasa made.


Both you and chrome were scent on a rock finding mission by Senku, although on the outside you looked calm boring even on the inside, you finally got to go out exploring without worrying about getting killed. Soon enough you made it to the cave, and you felt proud you could name every rock in the cave, and because of that chrome basically had stars in his eyes.

Going further into the cave the both of you found the main rock, you got so excited you did a little squeal putting chrome's attention on the stone. He knew it was important, but he did not know why. He turned back to you and looked at you with excitement written all over his face.

Both of you ended up coming back later than expected due to all the explaining you had to do.

Taiju: manga spoilers

Lately, a little rumor was going around in the Tsukasa Empire that at a certain time of day a beautiful voice could be heard near the northwest side of the hideout. Because of this rumor, you had to sing every day, and no one knew when someone would come at a random time but when there was no one there taiju kept your company.

Usually, when it was just the two of you, he would talk about life was like before the stone world, you, on the other hand, would talk about all the little kids in the town. But almost every day you would learn something new about each other.

Manga characters

Spoilers ahead!


Day after day you came to the secluded place in the forest, you only see Ukyo maybe once a month twice if you're lucky and you only get to relax with him for 10 minutes, but whenever he does have the day off its because he is either injured or sick. But when he does have the day off than both of you would have fun in your little haven in the forest.

Most of the time he would be relaxing in a tree while you try to climb the same tree but fail every time. But if you both end up with more time he would try and teach you how to shoot a bow and arrow.


Ever since you met Yo you would sleep more and more on guard duty and you would wake up to see him at your post with a bag of apples in hand. Some days he would be tired doing his own duty and yours, so you would switch and let him take a nap while you be on guard.

Sometimes the both of you would not give a single flying Dorito bag and just be a bunch of crackheads instead of being responsible, but Tsukasa would catch you two and both of you would be scolded but mom Tsukasa. :'0


After the boat flirting fiasco, you decided to go work on your boat and put on some finishing touches, after slowly finishing Ryusui spotted you and looked at your boat with surprise. You looked up at him as he walked over "didn't take you to be the type to build boats" you chuckled. "well I didn't expect you to be such a flirt," you said with a small smile.

Later that same day the rest of the team saw both you and Ryusui fangirl about boats.

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