She didn't even know what she didn't know.

Maybe she never would.

'I'll be a better person.' She kept replaying the words in her head, as if doing so would crack its meaning.

It's not like Yeji would explain if she were to ask her right now. She had only even said those words because she thought Ryujin had been sleeping.

'Fuck it. Put it in the 'things Yeji has done/said that I don't understand' folder.'

The week had gone by way too fast.

Maybe it was because it had been the last one in that house. Maybe it was because she kept thinking about it all ending.

Ryujin wished that she could make time slow down. That she could have more time in there. With everyone. Away from the outside world. With Yeji. She wanted to know that they'd talk again. That she would see her. That even if they fought, they would still have those moments that made her believe in Yeji. That made her think that the sweet nice Yeji was still in there somewhere.

But the truth was, once this ended, so would they.

Right now they had been talking and seeing each other because they had to. Because they could themselves forced to do so.

Once they were outside, there was nothing bonding them together.

In fact, there would be many reasons why they shouldn't even talk.

In five days Yeji would be married.

Five days.

Thinking about Yeji being married to someone was difficult. It wasn't even the fact that it was Yeonjun she would be marrying.

Yeji was young and sure, some people marry when they're young. But Yeji had barely lived.

Okay, she hadn't actually been around for all that time that Yeji had been away. Maybe she had experienced a lot there and gone wild or something.

But Yeji had spent most of her life doing what her parents told her to. She hadn't actually experienced rebellion or anything of the sort. It just sounded like she was skipping ahead.

Or maybe she was jealous.

'Very funny, mind.'

'I'm not jealous. I love her but I never thought of marriage.'

She wanted to allow Yeji to experience her twenties. To make mistakes, to try new things, to discover herself.

Once she married Yeonjun, she would be stuck.

If she had married Ryujin she would have been stuck too.

She just didn't like the idea of Yeji being stuck at this point of her life. No matter who it was with.

There was one day left in the house. One night and they would be leaving before sunset the next day.

Ryujin wanted to let it all out. Lay all her feelings on the table and have Yeji deal with them. However she wanted to.

But that wouldn't be fair on her.

Not when she already had to deal with whatever feelings people go through just before they get married.

Ryujin wouldn't add to that.

Ryujin wouldn't add to that

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"Last night." Yeji spoke, while they laid in bed. Their backs still turned to each other.


"Is it strange that this month seemed to have been both months long and yet as short as a weekend?"

Ryujin chuckled. "I get what you mean. It might be because of all the baggage we carried with us. All the past stuff, the fights, the secrets, the catching up we had to do. It was a lot yet it wasn't terrible. The fun moments seemed to pass by quickly."

The other simply hummed.

"Can I say something that neither of us will acknowledge again?"

"As we tend to do? Go ahead."

"I missed you."

Ryujin's heart felt tighter when she heard the words coming out of Yeji's mouth.

"You don't have to say it b-"

"I missed you too."

They laid there in silence. Neither knowing how to deal with that confession.

Ryujin knew that being in Yeji's life wasn't a possibility.

She wouldn't be able to see them together. To see her happy with him.

Not before she healed from what they had done.

Something that was nearly impossible considering she still hadn't got a proper apology or explanation.

She doesn't remember falling asleep. But she remembers waking up and seeing a sleeping Yeji near her. Her face looking soft and innocent. Has she had once thought of her.

'I hate Hwang Yeji.'

'But I love her.'

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