Chapter 1

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She may not have flashes while awake anymore, but she still has nightmares - ones that wake her with a start, covered in sweat. Each morning is the same: heart pounding and shallow breathing, trying to remember where she is... and possibly destroying her blanket in her sleep. Again. She keeps telling Adora that blankets are dumb and suffocating, but Adora always insists that Catra might get cold in the middle of the night. So sensitive, as always. Sensitive and least, that's what she used to think. She of course still mocks Adora - how can she not? It's so easy, and her reaction is priceless.

"I don't get cold, you know that," Catra would say. "You sure you aren't using it as an excuse to snuggle with me?"

"Sh-shut up - no I'm not! I just don't want you to get cold, okay? But fine - do what you want," Adora would retort and stomp away.

A sneeze catches her off guard, followed by a shiver. Damn it, Catra thinks, since when did the castle having a heating issue? Normally the castle in Bright Moon was perfectly pleasant - a little too perfect, if Catra were being honest - but today, what with repairs still being done, it was cold in the light of the dawn.

Catra sees the shredded remains of the blanket Adora not-so-discretely placed on her during the night. She picks up a piece, remembering the scratchy wool blanket she had when in The Horde. It was gray and ugly, but it got the job done. Catra hadn't found blankets so confining back then; now, however, she couldn't stand anything wrapped around her for long.

"Catra!" Adora bursts into the room. "Are you okay? I heard a squeak so cute that it had to be you."

Catra groans and rolls her eyes. "It was just a sneeze, okay? And I'm not cute!" Her tail bristles.

Adora giggles, still half-asleep. "I have an extra blanket, if you want."

Catra eyes the fluffy pink blanket in Adora's hand. Why is everything here so pink? And so fuzzy? Catra once again asks herself for the thousandth time since she's arrived in Bright Moon.

She imagines herself snuggled up in Adora's arms, their breaths in sync, like when they'd share a bed in The Horde - in secret, of course. Though she'd never admit it aloud, she'd dreamt of those nights more than once. Some days, those memories were the only things keeping Catra sane. The bittersweet recollection of "the old days" makes Catra unconsciously take a step back, her body tensing.

"You don't have to," Adora says gently. " least let me stay? Please? I still can't get used to sleeping by myself."

Catra's face heats up. "Do what you want, I guess - not like I can make you leave anyway. Plus, it's too early to fight." She stretches, a groan escapes before she can stop it.

Adora chuckles and grabs a spare pillow from the large circular bed Catra immediately claimed once arriving in Bright Moon.

Catra groggily walks back to the bed, curling up in a ball.

"I'll be right here," Adora says and sets up a spot on the floor but still close to the bed.

"I never said you had to sleep on the floor, Adora, god." Catra refuses to look at the smug look on Adora's face as she picks up her things and plants herself adjacent to Catra. "This doesn't mean anything, okay? Don't get used to it."

"Okay, okay, I won't." Adora grins and puts a hand on Catra's shoulder. "Sweet dreams, Catra."

Catra blushes despite herself. "Whatever. Just shut up and go to sleep already."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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