Chapter 1: Red Stitched Blanket

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Nick placed the red and yellow woolen blanket back in his bike pack.

He never knew why he kept it.
Sure, it was the only thing from his birth parents he had, but it wasn't like they recognize him with it!

Its been 20 years since he'd been separated- anything could've happened then.
It could've been an accident where his parents were dead or him god forbid stolen. Hell he might've been put up intentionally and he came all this way for nothing.

Searching for his parents were the only thing he's ever truly wanted for majority of his life, ever since he found out actually.

His adoptive parents thought him to be mature enough at the age of 14 to know. He was surprised. He was angry. But most of all he was grateful.

Grateful that he had been taken in, grateful that he had great parents even if they weren't by blood.

After that he wanted to look.
They, as well as his adoptive elder sister, encouraged this notion, but that wanted to make it clear to have a 'backup plan' of sorts.
That if Nick gave his life in searching only to come up empty, he needed something else to do with it.

Some examples he was given were engineering(he didn't mind that one), doctor or nurse(nice try Kathy) or even a teacher! He didn't think he did too grand around kids so that was a no go.

All and all- he was content with working at the Rock Porium. Toby was a great guy and he got to work with all his friends and teammates.
Plus who didn't like music stores?

Walking away from his parked bike and into the tree's portal he entered the magical realm.

Nice day out. He walked down the path to rootcore, Daggeron had a training exercise for them.

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