A Special Gift

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Underswap Frisk x Underswap Sans

Frisk's POV

"What is THIS". I asked as the welcome back party / getting back my body party started, yesterday Undyne managed to revive my old body for me, anyways the only good thing about this parties is Blue shows up, he really lightens up the mood... I was caught by the sudden realization that I was thinking about blue, grrrr....delete that thought, I thought forgetting that Chara can listen to my thoughts (And yeah, to be alive I need a SOUL, Chara offered me half of her SOUL and here I am now.) the only disadvantage  of this soul sharing thing is Chara can hear my thoughts but as an exchange I can also hear her thoughts if I want to, anyways... where is Blue? he's not showing up, this is weird, I'm gonna find him.

Chara's POV

"hahahaha." I laughed silently as I was listening to Frisk's thoughts, I actually think she likes Blue but honestly, even Frisk herself can't understand her feelings, or maybe just trying to hide her feelings, I don't know but I've got the best surprise for her and we will find out if Frisk really likes Blue, Queen Toriel, Asgore and me were the only ones who knows that TODAY is also Frisk's birthday since she really doesn't wanna talk about it, I have also talked to Paps about this and he thought it was a very bad idea and eventually he accepted as long as he is also there to protect Blue.

Frisk's POV

Everyone was having a good time... well except me, I searched high snd low but still can't find Blue.

"Ok, I can't believe I'm gonna talk to that bonebag but I've got no choice" I whispered quietly while walking towards Papyrus "hey comedian, saw your brother" I said showing him that I don't really like talking to him "Oh, he is just around there somewhere" he replied with the "demon's concerned of my bro?" look.

"hey, don't give that look" I said while walking away from him,of course he is too lazy to find Blue, I made a fool of myself, I like Blue, sure but....if he knew what I did he's gonna hate me... and I can't afford that. I went outside the venue to avoid those people and I cried... cried because I'm scared for him, I'm scared that I never got the guts to tell him that I like him....

Chara's POV

I'm starting to get worried Frisk is nowhere to be found I tried calling her but she isn't answering, suddenly I felt sadness, guilt and hatred It wasn't really my feelings since I was literally just talking to Undyne if she saw Frisk but it's.... from frisk, I ran feeling that she just close and there I found her sitting o  the floor crying, I didn't really want to read her thoughts right now since I think this is a serious topic so I immediately hugged her and asked

"What's wrong?"

Frisk gave me a death glare "You could literally listen to my thoughts all you want why not do it now?"

And so I did knowing that I have her approval and I saw EVERYTHING

"Hey Frisk, I know something that would cheer you up" I said

"What, are you gonna help me find Blue?" she asked trying not to get too excited

"Sure, but you need to open your presents first" I replied

"Promise" She said with a big smile, I never saw this from her.

"Promise" I replied happily

this is going to be one hell of a ride~

Frisk's POV

I came back to the party to finish of the gifts so I can find Blue faster, there were actually many gifts, little axes from alphys, trashy mangas from undyne, Napstaton's Merch obviously from Napstaton and a CD that have some music from Happstablook, A sweater from Mom, Tea from Dad, and a blue scarf from.... Blue I wore the scarf while looking at a big present, it was blue from both papyrus and frisk, its actually pretty big I could even fit inside if I want to, I saved it for last since you know save  the best for the last it caught my eye since it was really big... as I carefully pulled the ribbon and opened the box I suddenly heard


Thats BLUE, I immidiately opened the rest of it and Blue asked me

"did you like the gift?"

"No,I LOVED the gift" I said while crying


I pulled him close as I kissed him from pure joy, I felt Papyrus summon something, but I really didn't care, I felt everyone dumbfounded of what I just did even papyrus I think.

"I l-love y-you, Blue"

Blue was clearly taken aback from my words, EVEN I was taken aback of my words, I saw Blue blush a deep color of blue, and I said

"I was worried abo-" Blue cutted me mid sentence and said

"I love you too human, when you were actually a ghost I could see you but immidiately thought that it was just me... but I decided to follow you through waterfall up to hotland, and I started to love you..."

I was dumbfounded I didn't know what to say...

Blue said while blushing a dark shade of blue "d-do you wanna date sometime"

I said "you didn't need to ask"

I walked up to Chara, I was stuck with two words but I just decided to say them both to Chara

"F*** you, and Thank you"

Chara was happy that she could not even tell me a word she just hugged me, I walked up to papyrus, still processing what just happened I said while hugging him

"Thank you for the trust, bonebag"

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