I'll Always Be Here for You - Azura x Male Reader

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Requested by: Darkslayer34

A/N: Okay! My first Fates Character x Male Reader! And I have to admit, but I actually enjoyed writing this oneshot, and I would consider this as my best one. I hope you enjoy it!

(Y/N)'s POV
Azura and I always have been the best of friends. It was when I grew up in a noble family. I was really small back then, and was wandering round in Nohr's castle: Krakenburg, and during the time where Queen Katerina had passed away and Queen Arete came, along with her daughter. Azura. That was her name. She was the most adorable girl I have ever met. Unfortunately the rumors were spread, saying that they do not trust Arete and Azura, and therefore they should be stayed away from. I felt really bad, she was forced to be isolated, and yet my parents tell me to stay away from them. They respected the fact that Arete was the Queen of Nohr, but they believed in the rumors. I had to do something. But what exactly?

One night, I snuck out of my house to Castle Krakenburg just to meet her. I travelled to the Nohrian castle to find her. Strangely there were no guards, until I heard light footsteps. It belonged to a girl with long sky blue hair. Her clothes are of a white coloured young songstress, but looking at her expression seemed like she longed for company. "Hello." I smiled. "Ah... what... do you need something?" She timidly asked. "No, I don't really need something from you, but... I was... hoping to get to know you." I replied, twisting my ankle in circles. "Well... everybody's always picking on me... I haven't done anything to them... yet they still do..." She revealed, her status is filled with isolation and depression. I felt sorry for her, she doesn't deserve this. "Don't worry. I won't tease you. In fact, I'll be your friend!" I vowed. "You will?" She perked up. "Mhm! I wanted to get to know you and to be your friend." I admitted. "What's your name?" She asked. "I'm (Y/N). You're Azura, right?" I replied, and she responded with a nod. I promised her that I would be her company. And it worked. I snuck out everyday to see her, I brought her pies and cakes my mother had made, and in return she would try singing her song. "You have a beautiful voice, Azura." I complimented her. "Th-Thank you..." she blushed.

However, Queen Arete mysteriously died, and Azura was all alone. I still visit her just to keep her company, and I was extremely lucky that I wasn't caught by the guards. Suddenly one day, Azura mysteriously disappeared, and I was getting worried-sick about her. I'd fear that she too, had died. "She was taken by the Hoshidans." My mother told me. I couldn't believe it... first Arete died, and Azura was being held hostage by the Hoshidans. I could imagine her crying alone, having no one to talk to, since she was raised in Nohr. I didn't care whether I was a Nohrian, I vowed to find her again and to protect her.

And I was right. I grew up, and came to Hoshido, hoping that that's where I could find her. But no luck came. I was surrounded by the markets of Hoshido, and the people with friendly faces. I eventually wound myself up at a lake, until... '#You are the ocean's gray waves...#' (SING ALONG WITH ME, #Destined to seek, life beyond the shore just out of reach...#), a beautiful feminine voice came. I turned round, trying to find the singer. Could it be...? I walked near the wooden piers, seeing the sky blue haired maiden walking on the wooden pier. '#Yet the waters ever change, flowing like time, the path is yours to climb...#' Once she finished the chorus, she turned round to face me, a shocked expression tool over her face.

She walked over to me, ready to ask questions. "I'm sorry to disturb your singing... I was enhanced by it, it was so beautiful... you do remind me of a girl who sang that exact song when we were little..." I apologized. "No. You do seem to be... familiar." She smiled. "May I ask who you are? Because I felt that we might know each other when we were little." I asked. "I am Azura, a princess of Hoshido, and former princess of Nohr." She answered. "Wait, were you... perhaps captured when you were little?" I questioned. "Unfortunately yes. I remembered a young boy who always snuck out just to see me the time I was in Nohr." She explained, "may I ask who are you as well?" "I'm (Y/N). And the boy who you mentioned? That was exactly me." I said boldly. "(Y/N)! It's you..." she gasped in surprise. "Yes, it's me... not a day went by and I did not forget you. I was told that you were kidnapped, and I had to go after you..." I hugged her, relieved that I have found her. "Me too, (Y/N)." She smiled. She has grown so much, from a young, sadden girl into a beautiful lady.

We were both really close, and she would usually take me out to the Hoshidan markets and the lake she goes to. I knew what the loyalty of the retainers are like due to Kaze telling me this, and I wanted to pledge my loyalty towards Azura. So one night we went to the same lake we reunite, and it was time for me to do it. "Lady Azura?" I asked. "(Y/N), there's no need for formalities, please, call me Azura." She giggled. "There is something I would like to tell you..." I admitted. "Oh? And what is it?" She asked. "I would like to pledge my loyalty to you as a retainer, and vow to protect you." I bowed down. "(Y/N)... I... of course. I have no retainers ever since I entered Hoshido." She accepted and explained. "Thank you, Lady Azura. From now on, I swear to protect you." I vowed.

We started to bond more powerfully, and I felt that I need to stay by her side forever. I asked to craft a ring so that I could propose to her. This is it. I'm nervous if she declines it... "Inhale... exhale..." I breathed in and out just to stay calm. I approached her at the lake. "Lady Azura." I called out her name. "Oh, (Y/N). Do you need something?" She turned round to face me, a smile plastered on her face. "I would like to speak with you." I told her. "Go on..." She insisted. "The real reason why I came to visit you when we were younger was because I knew that you were forced to be isolated. And I couldn't stand the fact that you were alone, wanting someone to play with you. I was grateful to have met you..." I explained. "(Y/N), I'm grateful to have you as my company." She smiled. "What am I saying, I wanted to protect you, not just as your retainer, but as a lover." I admitted with a blush. I immediately knelt down on one knee, holding a ring that was meant for her. "I would like you to be my wife. Will you please marry me, Lady Azura?" I asked. "Of course I'll marry you!" She giggled. I slid the ring on to her finger, got up and marry her. When we pulled back, I told her that "I'll always be here for you... I love you..." and she whispered into my ear...

"Hey... I... really love you too... One day, I want... to love you... with every part of me."

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