14 - You Couldn't Afford Me

Start from the beginning

I tried to hide my annoyance at Owen's snide comments, "Can we just drop it please?"

He put his arms up in surrender, and instead of arguing with me like I had expected him to, he picked up his phone and turned on some loud music.

The rest of the afternoon was much more pleasant without Owen's prying comments. We decorated cookies and danced around the kitchen.

The rest of the weekend went by slowly. I ended up posting a few outfits that I hoped to sell in the next few weeks, but other than that, I mostly lounged around my house on Sunday.


My squeal made almost the entire table jump. "I made my first sale!"

"Congrats, girl!" Taylor shrieked, joining me in my mini celebration.

"I'm sorry, am I missing something. What's for sale?" Kyle asked, confusion evident on his face.

"Haven't you seen my Instagram?" I asked him. He had liked all of my sales posts, advertising the reopening of my little shop. Because I wanted to make my own store one day, I did not like to use selling apps, so instead, I advertised on social media and shipped/delivered my clothing pieces to people in the cheapest way possible. I felt it gave me the best chance of getting business and everything I posted I managed from a shopper's Instagram page.

Kyle's eyes lit up. "Well, if you're selling some of those photos of you in a bikini, I'll be happy to be your next customer!"

I laughed as I had learned to expect those kinds of comments from Kyle by this point. His eyes sparkled at my laugh; however, the moment was ruined by Eli, throwing a piece of his sandwich at Kyle.

"Hey! I can flirt with her if I want to," Kyle protested, throwing his arms up in a defence mode. Eli glared at him from across the table, and I couldn't help but think I missed something. Since when did Eli decide that Kyle was not allowed to flirt with me.

I wanted to say something in defence of Kyle, but Eli interrupted me. "So, who did you sell it to?"

"Well, actually, Nicole from Bio."

Eli scowled, "Tell her no."

"A sale is a sale, Eli." He looked like he was going to continue to protest, but I messaged Nicole back to come over to our table next lunch and that I would bring the dress she wanted then.

By the end of the day, I had made three more sales. Another one of the girls, Jessa, was also going to meet me at lunch. I guess from now on, if my sales keep up, I would have to move my trade-offs to another part of the school. I don't think the guys would really like a string of people interrupting us for new clothes every five minutes.

I felt giddy, even thinking of that possibility. At this point, any sales I made went directly back into the business. More sales meant more exposure, and it also meant more practice. I was already so much better at upscaling old clothes than I had been last year when I started this whole venture.


"So any more sales?" Eli asked me at lunch. Every day he sat a little further away from me. To most people, it may be unnoticeable, but I sure took notice of it. However, he was as friendly as ever to me.

"Actually, yes! Jessa and then some woman that lives a few roads over from me. So I am going to head over there after she is home from University at 5" I was ecstatic that someone else not from the school had already purchased one of my items.

"I'm coming with you."

I stared at Eli blankly. He sure made that seem like a statement and not a question. Why in the world would he want to come with me? I did not have much time to answer because Nicole had sauntered over to the table.

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