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" So. . . you saw Neville's parents, " said Eurielle quietly, looking at the group with a solemn expression, " How was he?"

Hermione opened her mouth but then closed it. Her caramel eyes filling with tears as she looked at Ron and Harry to explain.

Ron opened his mouth timidly before finally saying, " He. . . well, I suppose he's used to it," he said weakly, " Er- is your mum like that?"

Eurielle shook her head, " No, but I don't really know. We get reports every few months, telling us how she is and whatnot. " she sighed, " We're not allowed to see her for the ' fear of overwhelming her'."

Eurielle didn't bother to hide the tone of bitterness in her voice as she said, " It's almost like they don't want her to get better,"

Harry's eyes snapped up and he dug his hands in his pocket, " Ellie. . . there's something I need to tell you. Dumbledore told me not to worry about it but I think you should know," he looked to Ron who was glancing between Eurielle and the foggy window.

The ebony-haired witch frowned, " What is it?"

Harry took a deep breath and told her and Hermione about the vision he had, and also what he had overheard with Fred and George's Extendable Ears. Eurielle listened with tired eyes, nodding here and there, but other than that she made no expression.

" I knew something was going on with my mum," she began, rubbing her eyes while staring at the old floorboards, " Does Sirius know?"

Harry shook his head, " I don't think he does but I think we should tell him-,"

" No," interrupted Eurielle, her eyes no longer tired and heavy but wide open and fearful, " Are you stupid? If Sirius knows my mum is in that kind of danger he'll be running to St. Mungo's without any hesitation!" she snapped.

" I already don't have a mother, I rather not lose my father," she said hotly, rising from the bed she had been sitting on.

Harry scowled, " Oh yes, I forgot how much of an expert on 'not' having parents you were, only, you do have them," he spat, standing as well.

Her silver eyes flashed, " Oh shut up, Pot-Head, I'm not trying to compete in the ' Whose Life Has Been More Shitty' Olympics with you!" she countered, " But this is something you couldn't understand,"

Harry bristled, " Yeah, how could I ever understand, thanks for pointing out the fact I'm a bloody orphan!" he yelled.

Eurielle took a step forward, " You know that's not what I meant! If you'd take your head out of your ass for a damn second you wouldn't be jumping down everyone's bloody throat and actually, see you're being selfish and unreasonable!"

" I'm being selfish!?" he said in outrage at the pure injustice of the statement, " You're the one not wanting to tell Sirius something he has the right to know!"

Eurielle could feel her face growing hot with anger, " You think I'm doing this to benefit myself?!"

" You're the one who doesn't want to save her own mother!"

Eurielle could feel her nails digging into her palms, " Shut the fuck up! Don't act like you know every little thing, Potter, because you don't! You're the one always jumping to conclusions and risking others' necks on a hunch!" she shot back. She was aiming below the belt, her only intention was to hurt him, for him to feel sorry. All rationality had left her now and she was only left with frustration and white-hot anger.

The door swung open to reveal Sirius, Remus, and Mrs. Weasley, " What are you two yelling-!"

" AT LEAST I DIDN'T SLEEP WITH BLAISE ZABINI!" Harry roared, apparently having the same intention as her.

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