30.0 - Own Worst Enemy

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"What are you doing here?" I asked the person who was staring at me like I had grown two heads.

He sighed as he looked at me, my hand firmly keeping the door close to me not wanting to open it any further. "Dollface-"

"Don't!" I snapped as I felt my upper lip curling in disgust at the use of his nickname for me. "You need to leave, Lewis."

Running his right hand through his hair he watched me with his dark eyes. "Not until you hear me out," he was persistent, I was surprised he had not tried to talk to me at the track today if I was honest. 

"You have nothing to say that is worth hearing right now, I don't want to waste my time." I was short with him before I tried to close my door only for him to put his foot in the way. My eyes stared up at him, "What are you doing?"

He placed his right hand on the wood of the door, "I need for you listen."

My eyes flickered from his eyes to his foot to his hand, before I looked back into his eyes. "Lewis, please, just go."

"Who have you got in there?" He asked as he tried to come into my room only for me to hold the door a little tighter. "I did wonder how you kept your job after what you did. Newest Ferrari test driver throws a drink in Lewis Hamilton's face is a massive PR disaster. Sleeping with your driver is the best way to keep it hush!" His voice started as a talk but by the end of his outburst, he was shouting. 

Sucking in my bottom lip, I bit of the skin as I kept eye contact with him. My breathing was heavy and my heart was beating so quick and loudly I was surprised he had not mentioned anything. The adrenaline was running through me, the confrontation feeding my growing anger when I thought about how he was treating me after all this time of being friends. 

"Come on then," he pushed his way passed me and into my room. 

Standing against the wall with my hotel room door wide open, I watched him as he searched my room for any sign that I was not alone. Crossing my arms over my chest, I narrowed my eyes as he started to rip open cupboards and doors hoping to find someone hiding. 

"Megan?" I almost jumped when I heard the voice of Charles. Turning my head I looked at him as I kept in the same spot. "What's-"

"So," Lewis reappeared from the bathroom and walked towards Charles. "It's him that's keeping you in the job."

Charles was confused and rightly so, I could tell by the look on his face. I sighed as I listened to the bull that Lewis was spouting. "Anyone would think you were jealous, Lewis," I said in a bored tone. 

He turned his head to look at me so quickly, I thought he was going to break his neck. "Jealous? I'm just making sure that Sebastian or Charles throws their careers away over a nobody like you."

Closing my eyes, I massaged the bridge of my nose for a moment before removing my hand from my face and looking at him again. 

"You can't speak to her like that," Charles spoke up defending me. 

Lewis didn't turn to look at him, only ignoring him as he watched me. 

"Nothing to say?" He mocked as he smirked. 

I didn't want to be the person his words turned me into. Every time I felt the anger rising in me, I knew I was only a few crazy minutes away from potentially being with Natalie. Balling my fists, I dug my nails into my palms, a way to distract myself from doing anything stupid. "Please leave Lewis," I managed to calmly say as I kept eye contact with him. 

His eyes narrowed a little as he stood in front of me, he turned his head and looked at Charles before looking back at me. He leaned close to me before he put his mouth near my right ear, my expression remained neutral until he spoke. "Remember I know you, probably better than you know yourself." He stepped away from me before he left my hotel room, walking away. 

"Megan?" Charles said my name quietly. 

"I'm okay," I lied not even looking at him before I pushed my door closed. 

There was no way I needed his sympathy right now. Lewis was right about me, he knew me, he knew too much about me. Walking back into the main area of my hotel room, I sat at the mirror, my eyes glazing over as I stared at my reflection. I couldn't even think, my eyes too focused on not focusing on anything. 

I didn't know how much time had passed when I brought out of my trance-like state when someone banged on the door. My eyes focused in on my reflection as everything became real. There was a pain from my thighs, looking down at them I bit my lip when I saw the mess that was my legs. I had habits and some I had broken, some I thought I had left behind but I guess the proof that I couldn't let go was right there. 

Panicking, I grabbed my face wipes as the knocking continued. Wiping the blood from the scratches, I hissed at the stinging from the wipes. "Yeah, I'm coming!" I hollered as I chucked the wipe down and grabbed my long coat from the back of my chair and pulled it around me. 

When I opened the door, I must have looked ridiculous in my outside coat but Sebastian didn't speak about that. "Are you okay?" He asked me in a worried tone of voice. 

"I'm okay," I lied to him too. 

Sebastian didn't look too convinced by my words. "I've been out here for about twenty minutes," he told me.

Taking a few seconds, I breathed in heavily. "Do you want to come in?"

"I just want to make sure you are okay," he said softly, not moving from outside my hotel room.

My eyes looked over him, I noticed he was wearing a pair of black shorts and a white tee, something which looked overly casual on him. My attention returned back to those bright eyes of his, "Charles has been to see you, hasn't he?" I nodded at my own words. "I never wanted any of this. All I wanted was to work for Ferrari, work hard and continue with my career." I looked away from him as I continued to talk. "I should have known working with this company was a mistake."

"It's only going to be a mistake if you let his words get to you," Sebastian told me as I looked back at him. "You are worth more than you think, Megan. You just need to believe."

Tilting my head to the right, I managed a smile. "How so?"

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