24.0 - Karyn

846 15 1

Megan Moore

When the plane landed in France, I ran off the plane ignoring the stares and words coming from the other passengers. My anxiety had been working overtime on the journey and not even having Lewis alongside me gave me any comfort. I made my way to the nearest seats in the lounge after leaving the plane, my hands covering my face as I curled my head down onto my knees and trying to breathe through the stress I was feeling. 

I don't know how long I was there before I felt a presence next to me, they didn't speak but placed a hand on my left shoulder. My breathing was heavy, my face was wet and sticky from the tears that had escaped my eyes. 

"Sir, does your girlfriend need any assistance?" A female voice asked loudly nearby. 

Looking up from my position, I wiped my face with the sleeve of my jacket before I shook my head and looked at Lewis who was sitting next to me. "I'm fine now," I lied as I tried to play it off. 

The woman from the airport headed away leaving me with Lewis who handed me my handbag. "You should really get this irrational fear looked at by a doctor," he told me as he raised his eyebrows. 

"Thanks for your concern, but I am fine now." I didn't want to appear rude but I didn't know how else to get him off my back. Getting to my feet, I wiped myself down and looked back at Lewis who stood up next to me. 

He rolled his eyes as he stood there, "So, let's just get our cases and head to the hotel."

"Are you being picked up?" I asked him as I put my handbag over my left arm and walked alongside Lewis towards the stairs to the bag carousel.

Lewis nodded, "Yeah. Shirley is picking me up," he referred to his personal assistant. "Do you need a lift?"

"Oh," I quickly answered him. "No, I am being picked up too. I received a text, it said my driver would be Karyn." I shrugged my shoulders, "No idea who that is."

"Karyn is Seb's PA. I guess he's not in the country yet if she's picking you up."

"Give over," I laughed. "Knowing my luck she's only picking me up because she's collecting him at the same time." I shook my head as I thought about it, "No one would send someone to come out of their way to collect me. I'm just a test driver."

Lewis nudged me playfully in the ribs as we walked down the stairs, "Yeah you're right about that."

"Oi," I playfully slapped him on his right arm before I wrinkled my nose in disgust at him. "You never made me get a cab from the airport," I reminded him as I smiled. 

He held his hands up, "It was never my choice. I would have made you walk every time." He was such an idiot sometimes, he stuck his tongue out at me as he put an arm around me and pulled me close to him as we got to the bottom of the stairs. 

"If it was my choice who I got to work with, it wouldn't be you," I teased him back as we got to the carousel. I watched as the luggage passed us by, my eyes watching for my new case. I had purchased it on Thursday when I realised the other one really wasn't going to make another trip. My case appeared, my lips curled into a smile as I reached for the holographic pink suitcase. 

"Why am I not surprised?" Lewis made a comment behind me as he laughed. 

I rolled my eyes at him as I got the handle out of the case and held it by my side. "At least mine doesn't look the same as everyone else."

"Anyone would think you want to stick out?" Lewis pointed out as he grabbed a large silver plastic case from the carousel. "Come on Miss Ferrari, we don't want to keep your lift waiting."

We walked together through security before we headed through the gate and into the main airport. In the waiting area were two women, one I recognised as Shirley who held a sign with Lewis' name, the second I didn't recognise but she held a sign with my name on. They seemed to be sitting together laughing about something, I guess the rivalries did stay on the track sometimes depending on who they were. 

"Well this is cozy," Lewis laughed as he took the lead and approached the two women. "Nice to see you again, Karyn." I watched him work his charm as he took her hand and kissed the back of it, shooting her a wink before he turned to his own PA and hugged her. "I've missed you, Shirl."

I walked towards Karyn, "I'm Megan." I was awkward when I spoke to her. 

She looked me up and down before she grinned widely and pulled me close to her, into a hug. "Nice to finally meet you," she said before she pulled away and looked at me whilst she kept her hands on my arms. "You are not what I was expecting."

"What was you expecting?" Lewis asked the question on my mind as he butted into our conversation. 

Karyn smiled at me before she turned her attention to Lewis. She wasn't what I was expecting either to be honest. I thought I would see an older woman with a tight bun and a pencil skirt, instead I was staring at a woman who was about thirty with beautiful blonde locks. She looked like someone who could be a model with her glamourous eye make up and clear smooth skin. She wore a beautiful yellow sundress which looked like someone who had spent the day on the beach espcially with her bronzed skin. 

She laughed, "I just thought you would be a little more..." I watched as she hestiated before speaking her next words. "Out there, I thought you would be intense." I tried to work out her accent, it was from somewhere in England but I just couldn't place it. 

Lewis howled as he put an arm around my shoulders and looked at Karyn, "You've seen nothing yet."

"Leave her alone," Shirley piped up as she removed Lewis' arm from my body. "Lets get you to your hotel, leave these two to get back to where they need to be." Shirley put her hand on my shoulder, "Lovely to see you again, Megan."

Karyn and I said our goodbyes to Lewis and Shirley before she looked back at me, a grin wide on her lips. "Why don't we grab a coffee?" She asked me as she reached for my case, "I'm also picking up Seb too, his flight arrived in an hour."

"I can do that," I assured her as I took the handle back from my suitcase. "Coffee sounds good," I said nodding at her. The truth was I didn't want coffee, I didn't want to wait, I wanted to get to my hotel room and have a nap, flying took everything out of me.

At the coffee shop, we sat opposite each other at a small table. In front of me was a large latte whilst Karyn drank a black coffee, my hands were wrapped around the mug as I leaned back in the seat and looked at the perfect woman in front of me. "So, you're going to be on the road with us for now on then?" She asked me as her green eyes twinkled in the light. 

"I guess so," I shrugged as I smiled. "I hope you don't mind," I said as my eyes scanned the people in the airport before returning my gaze to Karyn. 

Karyn rolled her eyes, "I'm sure we are all going to get along just fine." She leaned across the table and smiled, "But if we are all going to be trapped in a hotel or motorhome together then you need to assure me you don't snore."

Suddenly, it sprung to me, "You're from Birmingham." I was proud as I announced the one thing that had been on my mind. 

"We're not here to talk about me," she smiled as she raised her eyebrows playfully. "I'm under strict instructions to find out as much about you as possible." She admitted the truth to me as she straightened up in her seat, "Maurizio only has good things to say about you, but he just wants to make sure that you and Sebastian are a good fit for each other."

Driver (Sebastian Vettel) - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now