Chapter 15: Snakes and their Posion

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Chapter 15: Snakes and their Poison

With my arm linked with Aaron's we made our way into the middle of the room, stopping on the way to grab a glass of champagne that a butler offered us. I took a nervous sip as I let my eyes wander to the people around us. I immediately spotted the two men from the bar, which I flirted with for our last mission, they were both standing in one of the corners talking quietly to each other. I didn't have the chance to tell Aaron, but silently gave his arm a little tug, to make us go towards the other end of the room. He gave me a concerned look once we changed directions, I offered him a smile in return. We stopped walking, and just stood at one of the side tables, looking around. Aaron's job was to talk to the men, while I poured some of the poison in their glasses, we just needed to let someone approach us first, so we don't look to suspicious going from person to person.

I was taking my last sip of my champagne, as a man and woman, with linked arms, approached us. The pair stopped in front of us, and I watched the man give us a forrow look, before extending his arm towards Aaron. The man was dressed in a tuxedo much like Aaron and the woman wore a gorgies light green dress that showed all of her curves.

"I am Nicolaj, and this is my wife Alexa." He greeted Aaron, I quickly remembered my role and took my eyes off the two men, and turned my full attention to the women in front of me.

"I am Mathias, and this is Sara, my wife" He shook hands with Nicolaj.

"Oh yes I have heard about you, you are the one with the connections in Mexico, right?"

"Yes, that is me" Aaron was smiling as Nicolaj leaned in and whispered something in his ear. Nicolaj let go of Alexa's hand and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, before he walked towards a big group of men, just a little to the side. Aaron gave me a smile, and leaned in, to kiss me on the cheek as well, he gave my hand a squish before following Nicolaj to the group of men. My cheeks were hot and I stood there, in silence looking after Aaron for a couple of seconds, before I remembered that Alexa was staring at me.

"It is good to see some new faces here." She said smiling, and pulling me into a hug, I was frozen in place for a second before I managed to return the hug.

"Yes, well my husband and I mostly live in our vacation house in Mexico, but we came here as soon as he received the invitation, we wouldn't want to miss this for anything in the world." I laughed, pulling away from the hug. She returned the smile, and took my hand in hers.

"Come on, I will introduce you to the others" She said, and pulled me with her. I just smiled at her and let her pull me along, giving a quick glance back at Aaron, who seemed to fit right in with the group of men.

In the far end of the hall, stood all the wives, sharing laughter and drinks. I was pulled to a stop right in the center of the group.

"This is Mathias' wife, Sara, this is her first big ball!" Alexa announced. I nodded and smiled, while looking at all of the wives, they all wore expensive dresses and all had a pink glass of champagne in their hands. A woman stepped forward and handed me a drink and gave me a pad on the shoulder.

"I am sure that you will fit right in, I was Jame's wife, Caroline" said a woman who was also in the middle of the group. She then started talking about how she like my dress, and how hers were worth more than the house we were currently in, but I didn't listen, James had a wife? This por women, doesn't even know that she i talking to her husband's killer. A image of James and the dark room flash before my eyes. I snapped back into reality and pushed the image of James away.

"Oh yes, your dress is very lovely, my husband gifted this dress to me" I smiled.

I looked around the room, as all of the wives had fallen into small talk around me. I spotted Travis, his red hair making him stand out in the sea of black and white suited men. He was at the far end of the room, sneaking his way across the wall, toward the stairs to the upper levels of the manor.

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