Part 12

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"Oh my god they-"

"Oh my god they are all asleep-"- you sighed.

"That was *yawn* quick."- suna yawned because he was so tired as well.

"Seems like you are tired too huh?"- you teased suna.

"Tch.. I'm always tired Y/n-san."- suna sighed.

"That's true-.. Well then lets get inside and find you a spot to sleep."- you said with a smile on your face and went in the house.

It was a mess in there even though the party was outside. Atsumu and Mori were snoring on the sofa together, osamu was asleep on the floor and akagi was next to him, Kita was peacefully sleeping on one of the armchairs and Aran was on the another one. Suna glared at everyone annoyingly.

"Ugh there is no place to rest."- he mumbled and you sighed. Suddenly suna started walking again.

"Where are you going?"- you asked.

"In osamu's room."- suna sighed and you followed him, because you felt like he is going to fall on his way there.

"Oof finally."- suna sighed and just fell on his back on osamu's bed.

"You seem pretty happy now huh?"- you giggled. "Well goodnight Suna-san sleep well."- you said about to leave when Suna held your wrist.

"W-what is it Suna-san?"- you stuttered.

"Don't go."- he blushed and looked you straight in your e/c eyes.

"What do *yawn* you mean?"- you smiled.

"You know what i mean, dumbass."- he glared at you.

"No i don't."

Suna sighed and pulled you in osamu's bed. He put his right hand under your neck and pulled you closer into a tight hug. His warmth made you even more sleepy. Without even realizing your hand was around his chest and you started falling asleep in each others hands. It felt good.

"Hey y/n-san.."- suna whispered.

"Hmhhh?"- you mumbled.

"Since we know how we feel about each other.. Uhhhh.. would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love to Suna-san."- you smiled, he pulled you even closer and kissed your forehead.

The next morning:

It was 10 am. The fact that you woke up in Suna's hands made you extremely happy. You tried to get up and go to make breakfast for everyone. You did your best not to wake up the sleeping angel next to you. When you finally escaped his hug you sat on the bed and tried to stand up very carefully. Then suna grabbed your wrist and pulled you back next to him.

"Nope."- he mumbled.

"But i-"


"But Suna-san i wanted to make breakfast."

"Kita-san and Osamu can cook too."- suna kept mumbling while rubbing softly his face in your neck.

"Suna-san they are probably still asleep."

"If they are asleep why are you going to make breakfast? Also if you go downstairs you will probably wake them up."

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