Part 9

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"Should i wake him up or let him sleep here?"

"..I should wake him up.. What if his parents get mad at him?"-you mumbled to yourself.

You looked at Suna. He was so cute and precious while sleeping. His face was so calm, he has crossed his hands on his chest. He seemed to dream about something good.

"Ugh you're making it so hard Suna-san.."- you kept mumbling.

You went to your room and got one of your blankets and covered Suna. Meanwhile you had to finish your homework. 30 minutes later you were done, but you weren't sleepy at all. You grabbed Suna's notebook and wrote him some notes to help him in class. It was 1am already and you fell asleep on the table.

-time skip-

It was 6:58:am. Suna woke up, because his phone vibrated. When he woke up he saw your blanket on him, his notebooks sorted in his backpack and you sleeping on the table with a pen in your hand. It took him few seconds to process what he was doing here and what time it was. Few seconds later he remembered what happened last night and smiled.

"Why you didn't wake me up.."- he whispered with a little smile on his face and couldn't take his eyes off of you.

Few minutes later your alarm rang and you jumped because your phone was next to your ear and it was so loud.

"UGH WHAT THE FUCK?"- you yelled with your sleepy voice. 

"Good morning."- suna giggled.


"Y/n- san it-"

"I'm so sorry if you get in trouble because of me! You were just so calm and cute while sleeping and i just couldn't wake you up.. W-W-WAIT I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT I-....... "- you stuttered and blushed like crazy after you realized that you called suna cute.

"Cute you say huh?"- suna teased you and blushed a little.


"It's okay don't worry for my parents. They are out of town for a while because of their work so it's okay."- suna sighed while rubbing his neck.

"Oh good you won't get in any trouble i was so worried.."- you calmed down.

"Well leave that let's get back to that you think i'm cute huh?"- suna kept teasing.

"Quit acting like Atsumu Suna-san. I never said that."- you tried to escape.

"I'm pretty sure you did"








"Okay let's get ready for school."- you sighed.

"Okay fine i'll get going now to brush my teeth and etc, i'll wait for you outside see you in few"- suna sighed and opened the door about to leave.

"W-wait Suna-san!"

"Hm"- he turned around to see you handing him a piece of paper.

Suna Rintarou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now