Shrek and Donkey were on their adventure. But they didn't know which way to go.
So they said "Map!" But nothing happened.
So they said it louder "mAp!" Again, nothing happened.
Then they yelled "MAP!" And then a big man from the sky dropped a little map with eyes into the palm of Shrek's hand.
The map told them which way to go.
They were on a yellow pathway when they saw two little figures in the distance.
Shrek thought he saw the most beautiful girl in the world, but he brushed it off.
Shrek hopped on Donkey's back and then Donkey died.
Shrek thought Donkey was annoying so he didn't care.
Shrek opened his flip phone and dialled the paw patrol to come pick up Donkey. When Ryder and the pups got there and took care of Donkey, Rubble gave Shrek his number. Shrek ripped it up because he was not interested in Rubble.
Then the paw patrol left and Shrek called Lightning McQueen to pick him up and drive him to the beautiful girl.
When he got there, Lightning McQueen winked at Shrek. But Shrek was still not interested.
They had reached the beautiful girl, and Shrek hopped out of Lightning McQueen. The beautiful girl turned around, and Shrek became very nervous.
There was a strange monkey with red boots behind her.
"Hello, you beautiful man," she said. "My name is Dora the explorer."
Shrek looked down and saw a little bit of Dora's tummy sticking out under her shirt. He liked girls with chunk.
"Hello, I am Shrek." He said.
"I think we should get married," said Dora.
"Me too." Said Shrek.
So Shrek got down on one chunky knee, and pulled out a telletubbie. He took off the head jewellery and stuck it on Dora's ring finger. Then they had a smooch and went to the big hill for their wedding.

Shrek x Dora
FanfictionShrek is living with Fiona and his uGlY kids. Shrek is not satisfied with his life anymore. Until one day, everything changes.