He let it sink into his sytem and nodded. "Well don't you guys worry, the Kingdom and Holmes Chapel will help aid Mullingar in battle, how dare that King try to order his very own prince to assassinate another! Disgrace!"

Me and Harry cheered and did a little dance. We hugged the King for hearing us out, and helping out Mullingar instead of Bradford.

"Alright, I suggest you guys head back to Mullingar and tell them the great news. I'll write a letter to London to help us in war. Hopefully nothing tragic happened in the Kingdom of London..." he trailed off.

We nodded, and headed straight to the front entrance. Then I stopped immediately. I weird a feeling that's where Niall went, and that they're in trouble.... I shook it off and shared my troubles with Harry.

"Do you want to go? If you sense danger in London, then there must be something wrong." He said. 

I just stood there, and called Nial instead. I hope he had his phone! Ring. Ring.

"Hello?" A strong Irish spoke.

"Niall!!! It's so great to hear your voice again! Are you okay over there?" I asked worriedly. 


"Hello? Niall!" I shouted.

"Louis, I'm fine. But Ciel and Liam aren't!" My heart sank. Liam!? What's going on! And who's Ciel??

"Niall! What do you mean! Speak to me please!" I panicked. 

"What's going on Louis!" Harry asked me as he tried calming me down.

"They're.... sentenced to death." Niall said, I dropped my phone and Harry picked it right up and asked Niall the same question.

He gasped, and started to shake. Why were they sentenced to death?! This can't be happening... This just can't be happening! 

I snatched the phone from Harry and yelled, "Niall we're coming as soon as possible! Niall, you and Zayn are going to have to stall them as long as possible, please hurry!"

I hung up and dragged Harry with me. He was still in shock from what we just heard. We told the King our situation and gasped, he told us to take his private jet to London. We thanked him and hurried on to save Liam and Ciel. Who ever he was...

I'm not going to lose another friend. We almost lost Niall, I'm not going to lose Liam.... Hang in there Liam!


Ciel's Pov

"You can't do this to us! We did nothing wrong! Please your Majesty, have mercy!" I yelled and sobbed bad. It was only a kiss, it was nothing wrong!

"Shut up, you disgrace this Kingdom and all of the royals in it. How could our only Prince turn gay." The Queen stated bitterly.

"There's nothing wrong with that! It's called love you ignorant fool!" She slapped me, and Liam yelled with anger in his voice.

"Leave him alone, he did nothing to deserve this! I kissed him, he didn't kiss me! Please let him go!" I looked at Liam and cried. No, he can't do that! What is he thinking!

"The both of you silence, you are both sentenced to death tomorrow at 6PM. Enjoy the rest of the 12 hours you have left together." The King said, and left the dungeon room.

We both were both shackled onto the wall, I couldn't get near Liam. And he couldn't get near me, I tried to get out, and he did the same. It's no use, the metal on these were to strong, they built it that way so we couldn't escape. I cried more and Liam sobbed because he couldn't get near me.

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