"Lex..." I turned to him. He looked over and walked to me. "I can't get my pants any further."

"I've got you." He said and helped me get the jeans up and buttoned. "This would be better if your jeans weren't smaller than my arm."

"Shh. They give me a nice butt." I defended. He slipped his arms around my waist and put his hands in my back pockets.

"Indeed." He kissed my shoulder and laughed.

"We should go now." I stated. He nodded before we left the room and to the door. I slipped on my DC's and he slipped on his converse before we walked out the door. He locked it for me and handed me the key before we began walking to his house. About halfway there, I began hiccuping, and the rest of the walk was just Alex laughing while I hiccuped until my chest hurt. When we got to his house, we walked in laughing before Alex froze.

"Holy fucking shit." He blurted out. I looked where he looked and saw his mom with two other girls.

"Alex, language." His mom scolded.

"Who's that?" I asked him quietly.

"Two people I haven't seen since I was 4." He stated. He leaned on the wall before falling back against my chest, knocking me down.

"Awe, shit." I winced and put my hand on my neck. One of the two girls rushed over and pulled him off of me and leaned him on the wall, before crouching in front of him. She lightly tapped his cheek before he opened his eyes. He looked right passed her and saw me.

"Crap. Jack, I'm so sorry." He stood and carefully pulled me up.

"I'm fine." I told him and winced slightly again. He kept asking questions and making sure I was okay before I put my hand on his mouth. "Shh. I'm fine." He sighed and hugged me lightly before turning around.

"Um... Jack, this is Helen and Jillian... Helen, Jillian. This is Jack. My boyfriend. Jack, those are my sisters." Alex explained. I raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Nice to meet you." I smiled at them.

"Nice to meet you, too." The one Alex called Helen smiled back.

"Why are you two here?" Alex asked, pulling his jacket tighter around himself.

"It was your birthday. And we haven't seen you since you were 4. Thats twelve years, Alex." Jillian stated. He nodded.

"I'm so sorry I haven't visited you ever." Helen put her hand on his shoulder. He looked at her before hugging her tightly. Jillian joined the hug a moment later, and I stood awkwardly while they all hugged.  When they pulled back, Helen stopped.

"Wait, did you call him your boyfriend?" She asked. Alex's face went red and he started to smile like a little kid before stepping back to me and wrapping his arms around my waist and leaned his head on me.

"Yep. For about 10 months." His face stayed red and I chuckled. She smiled at us and I blushed.

"Well good. I'm glad you found someone." Jillian stated.  Alex leaned up and kissed my cheek and I laughed.

"I'd kiss you back but I can't." I complained.  "You're too to the side." He laughed before I hiccuped again. He began laughing and leaned on my arm. "Oh my shit I'm gonna die."

"You're not gonna die." He stated.

"Plus I think your lap messed up my neck earlier." I told him.

"That's because you're not supposed to sleep with the neck brace on, you nut." He poked my stomach.

"Okay, boys. Back to earth." His mom said. I laughed before we all went to the living room and sat down.

"So, what all have you done since you moved to England?" Jillian asked.

Wish We Could Start All Over (Jalex- All Time Low)Where stories live. Discover now