Chapter 13B: Hannah's Date

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Hannah’s POV

“So, you actually flew halfway around the world, just because you were craving Nando’s??”

“Yup!” Niall answered, “and I would do it again!”

“Ugh, I wanna go to Nando’s sometime! But I don’t think we even have them in America.”

Niall gasped extremely loud and threw his hands in the air in an exaggerated motion, “YOU’VE NEVER HAD NANDO’S? We have to fix this! I will take you to one as soon as I have the chance!”

I laughed, “Is it really that good?”

“It’s good enough for me to take you on a date there, at least.” He said that last sentence a little bit more softly, and I think I saw him blush, just a little, but it was okay because I blushed too.

“That would be amazing,” I said sweetly.

“And you do have one, by the way,” he said.


“A Nando’s, there’s one in D.C. that I went to when I met the president’s daughters.”

I laughed, “I love that you know there’s a Nando’s in my country, and I didn’t even know that.”

“I sure love me some Nando’s!…Anyways, tell me more about you.”

“Me?” I asked.

“Yes! You!” he said eagerly.

“Umm..I’m 19, I’m taking my college course online, and I want to become an actress.”

“Why an actress?” he asked.

“Because,” I said, “I love acting. It’s like, my other world. When I really get into character I feel like that is who I am, like that is my world. All of my real problems in life go away, and my character’s reality become’s my own. It’s like playing pretend as a kid, but you’re not a kid anymore,” I paused for a minute, “Sorry, I got a little carried away there.

Niall’s POV

I loved the way her eyes lit up when she talked. And the way she used her hands to make her point, by moving them one way or another. She was so genuine.

“Sorry, I got a little carried away there,” she said.

“No, no, I get it,” I said, “It’s just like how I am with music. It’s like when I sing I, pour out my emotions, or sing what I’m trying to say. Except, instead of song lyrics, you use a script.”

“Yeah,” she said with a sweet smile across her face.

I was definitely ready to tell her that I was James. I just needed the right moment to bring it up.

“Would you like a dessert menu?” the waitress asked as she approached the table.

“Yes!” Hannah and I responded at the same time. Man, this girl is perfect.

“I’m actually pretty full,” Hannah said, “So do you wanna split something? I hear the desserts here are huge!” I usually like keeping dessert to myself but,

“Sure!” I agreed.

After a few minutes of deciding, we chose a classic chocolate cake.

“It will be about 5 minutes,” the waitress said.

“Thank you,” I said.“Wanna go on a walk or something?” I asked Hannah.


The back of the restaurant had a little outdoor flower garden, so we walked around in that for a bit. This was the perfect time to tell her about James. But how do I bring it up?

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