Once we had decided on a restaurant to eat at for lunch, we rock paper scissored over who was going to drive, with me winning 2 out-of 3 of course. We pulled up to a pretty decent Coney Island because I was in need of a little grease in my life. To say I was excited, was an understatement. I had eaten nothing but salads and various flavors of granola for the last week. It was all good of course, but sometimes a woman deserved to pig out.

We went inside and ordered, with me choosing my usual, chili cheese fries and a gyro and Jasmine a chili slaw dog and regular fries. Once our orders were placed, we had a seat at our usual table.

"You know V, for you to be so small, you sure can eat this restaurant from the inside out."

I shrugged at her comment. "It's all in the metabolism. It does the work so I don't have to."

"I'm envious. You know how long it took me to lose the weight I just dropped?"

"Oh please, you look good either way. And so do I. Don't lose weight just because everyone else says they have to. If you're gonna lose it, lose it because you want it for yourself. I'll always love you, even if it looks like you ate 3 of yourself."

Jasmine bursted out laughing, and I couldn't help but to join in with her. I was serious though, when we were in college together, she constantly felt pressured to follow the trends. She never fully accepted herself for what she already had to offer, so I reminded her daily of how much I loved her the way she was. I never wanted her to feel like she wasn't good enough because of what some wannabe told her. Her body was fine, it still is. I just want her to see it for herself.

"I love you too, V. Don't you ever forget it." She beamed, reaching for my hand.

I playfully scoffed and rolled my eyes at her. "Oh believe me, I won't. How could I, when you ride my ass everyday and have for the last 11 years?"

"How could I have done that for the last 11 years when I'm only 21?" She joked.

"Yeah, in dog years."

She cackled and slapped my arm.

"Shut up you old bag."

"Right back atcha."

Our number was called, so we went to retrieve our food. We sat back down with it and proceeded to eat lunch. We laughed, reminisced and bonded for the time being.

Marshall's POV

I was currently sitting in studio with Royce, going over beats and ideas for our newer artists.

"Alright, what's going on Em?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Something's off. You ain't seeming like you're really feeling anything today. Distracted?"

"Nah man, it's just,"

He looked at me, expectantly.

"Okay. Well, yeah. Porter brought me this magazine to read yesterday and there was a review for my album in there."

"And it ain't something you wanted to hear?"

"Actually, quite the opposite."

𝐋𝐢𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟-𝐒𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon