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It is warm and nice spring evening. I am here with friends, and 'here' means camping because I have no idea where exactly we are to be honest. I sit on the bench, not that far from our tents so I can still see the fire, I can hear people laughing and talking and somehow it makes me really relaxed. It's only two weeks after our term ended but it seems like it was ages ago. Don't take me wrong, I actually like school, I am good at it. But I am also tired and happy it is my final year.

I hear two of my friends kissing somewhere in the forest so I decide to head back especially as I was sitting on that bench for quite a long time. I drunk few glasses of champagne to celebrate the end of high school which made me a bit clumsy. Normally I don't drink but today seemed like a good day to do that. And usually I am not that clumsy. As I walk a bit to the tents, I fell over something but to my surprise I don't touch the ground. Some unknown force keeps me from falling and it just makes me disproportunately and insanely happy. I turn around and I see a boy, propably my age. He is tall and he looks strong. Not that his muscles are really big but he has really good posture while still being lean. And his eyes, those eyes are so amazing. So brown and so dark and well, so amazing.

"Are you okay?" he asks and even though it is propably the most normal question in this situation to ask, I am still surprised. Funny, everything is just so funny so I start laughing like a mad person. I can't stop, I can feel my bellly aching and a pair of eyes staring at me but who would care. I compose myself after a while and I take a big breath.

"Marvelous! How are you?" I ask. The pair of eyes is still watching me and I can see a smirk on his lips. Why is every boy always smirking? What's up with that? I really don't get that even though, I do admit it is kind of attractive.

"Fine but I think I should take you to your tent. I think you are..." he starts but I think he don't want to insult me so I just help him out.

"Drunk? "I say happily.

"Well, yeah, I guess." he looks at me looking a bit uncomfortable but I can see he is a bit amused with me.

But we didn't go for more than ten meters as my friend Lucy was coming our way screaming.

"Nina! Here you are, I was looking for you for ages!" she smiles and hugs me really hard. Well, that's nice of her. I think she is happy too. So we just stand hugging each other. And then I remember about this boy with amazing eyes. What's with the eyes anyway? How something that is just a part of our body can be so beautiful? I look around and I notice him standing right behind me. Lucy follows my sight and now we are both staring at him.

"Come on, I'll walk you to your tents." he says clearly not so happy about being our designated walker but we all go and I am pretty sure he is observing us carefully.


Next morning my head hurts and I have no idea what happened last evening. Of course I remember parts of it but I have no idea how I managed to get to the tent. I never drink so it was twice as stupid. And when I do I am usually really careful about it. I can see Lucy sleeping in her clothes from last night and with full make up. As I am pretty sure she drunked more than me, I prepare a bottle of water for her and I go make myself look at least a bit presentable. When I go out from the building where the toilets and showers are, I see a boy from last night. I am not sure whether it is actually him but then he looks up and smiles at me. I am sure it's him.

"Hello." I say as I walk up to him. "Thank you for last night."

"Good morning and no problem. How is your head?"

"Not the best I would say. Why are you sitting here alone? And what's your name?"

"I am David. I moved to the town a week ago and my cousin decided to take me with him here so I could meet some of his friends. The only thing is that he also brought his girlfriend." He says and I laugh. His eyes are really amazing, it wasn't just because of all the alcohol. And to be honest everything about him is handsome. At least for me. I am aware of the fact that I shouldn't judge a person based on that but I just couldn't help but notice those things.

"I think we should wake everyone up. We need to hurry if we want to be in the town before evening." I say a bit disappointed. "See you later?"

"Yeah, you are right. See you later." he says and walkes away


After our goodbay I woke my friends up and we started making our tents. As I shared mine with Lucy I don't have to do much as she is a former scaut.

"So, who was the boy yesterday? Do you finally have a boyfriend? Moreover, why would you hide him from me?" she inundate me with questions which doesn't really surprise me. I love her anyways.

"Well, I met him yesterday and he's not my boyfriend. We talked twice."

"So you talked today?" she asked excited. It sounded more like a statement but I decided to ignore that.

"Yeah, but only for few minutes. His name is David."

"That's just sounds like your future boyfriend's name." she says laughing knowing she would make me mad.

"Shut the fuck up." I say. I don't curse too much but sometimes the situation just calls for it.

We are packed and everyone is starting to go to their cars so we just double check and go after them. We joined a group of Lucy's friends. I know most of them well but I am not so close with them. I look for David and I see his cousin. As I need to call and I finally found reception, I let people go before me so it is quiter. While waiting for my parents to pick up I notice David standing on the side of the road, breathing heavily and looking for something. As noone answers I decide to see if he is all right. Not that I wouldn't otherwise. I am just usually not the one interested in other's bussiness. I turn around and now he is sitting on a tree trunk with inhaler in his hand.

"What's happening?" I ask but he shakes his head. I don't know what to do but I also have no idea where to go if we won't start walking now. "Can you go? We need to hurry up so we are not lost." he nods and stands up. We walk slowly but I can still hear him breathing heavily. He doesn't look like someone who is sick. I hope he's not. I become calmer as I can see our group in a distance. And I am pretty sure that David's breathing is gradually becoming calmer.

I look around and it is just beautiful. The forest is so big I only can imagine how scary it must be at night alone. And exciting at the same time. I can feel a rush of adrenaline only thinking about it and it is amazing. The trees are really tall and they grow quite close to each other which means there is no way to see anything in distance bigger than dozen or so kilometres.

"Sorry." I hear and I realise I was really absent minded for a while as we are almost with the group. I look at David and I notice he looks not only sorry but also a bit embarrassed. "I have asthma and sometimes that happens."

Well, at least he's okay. Maybe not literally but I was scared it is something much worse. I don't blame him for being angry, though. I would have been pissed too. I don't want him to get worse again so I just walk slowly with him. I look at him cautiosly and I notice he looks much better now.

"We really can go faster. And thank you. I didn't mean to break from the group. If you want you can go faster and catch your friends." he says but I only raise my eyebrow and smile. He still looks weaker than usual and it doesn't suit him.

"I will be happy to go with you." I say and we start talking about everything that comes to mind. Nothing specific really but still.

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