Chapter 3

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"So how was New York?" Harry asks, stuffing a piece of bacon in his mouth.

"It was great. The city was beautiful, the school was great, the people too. Everything was just perfect." My voice strains a little but Harry doesn't notice. I'm still not ready to tell anyone about how 'good' New York really was. At this point, I've become so comfortable not talking about it, that even thinking of it makes me feel so nervous and jumpy. Subconsciously, I tug at my shirtsleeves, holding them between the heel of my hand and my fingers.

"Yeah it's pretty good there. I've been a couple times on tour."

"I know." I say, smirking softly. For the past hour Harry and I have been sitting and talking about everything that has happened in the last two years, but since I've been practically stalking him over that period, we've just been talking about me. About dance and mum and my grandparents. About almost everything.

"So, you guys are all good now?"

I turn around to Anne who's leaning in the doorway, an accomplished smile on her face.

"Yeah mum." Harry says.

"Good." Anne pushes off the doorway and walks toward the kitchen.

"Thanks for breakfast." I say, taking my empty plate up to the sink.

"Anytime sweetie."

"I'll be going now." I give Anne a small kiss on the cheek.

"See you next week."

I nod before walking towards the front door, Harry following a few steps behind. I walk out the door and then turn back to face him.

"Am I forgiven now?" Harry asks, scratching the back of his neck slightly.

"No." I say. Harry sighs deeply and the moth tattoo on his chest ripples. It's difficult to comprehend how much Harry has changed over the years. He's no longer the little boy I knew. He's had to grow up in the spotlight and I can't help but think what he would be like if he hadn't gone to X-Factor. "But I do trust you, always have and always will."

There's a small silence before Harry speaks up again softly. "How about we organize a day just for us. Just you and me. We can do whatever you want and catch up I guess."

"Sure." I smile and turn around, starting the walk back to my house. "See you later, Harry."

He waves at me with a grin and then goes back inside. It's only been an hour and it already feels so good to have Harry back in my life. I'd been too angry at him before to realize how much I missed him, but now I feel almost like I've found a part of me. I feel like I'm 7 again, Harry has come back from his 3-day space-camp and we just spent hours talking about all the stuff he missed out on. We just picked up from where we left off, like the past four years were just 3 short days and we wanted to get back to normal as quickly as possible.

When I get back home, I'm in a better mood then I was at the start of the day. I almost skip to the front door.

"I'm guessing from your mood, that Harry wasn't there anymore." Chloe's voice floats through from the lounge room.

"Actually, he was." I say, walking through the house and coming to sit beside her on the couch.


"We made up."

"So, your friends again."

"I guess."

She rolls her eyes at me. "What do you mean, 'I guess'?"

"Well, I can't just forgive him straight away. I mean sure he's my best friend, but he didn't speak to me and he didn't show at mum's funeral. I trust him though, stupidly. I mean I don't even know who he is now." I mumble, nibbling at the skin around my nails. Chloe slaps my hand away from my mouth and I give her an apologetic look.

"You are so stupid sometimes Maddy, I swear." She shakes her head at me, but I can see the smile on her lips. "People change all the time, but they never become totally different. No matter how old he gets, he's always gonna be the same kid. And no matter how much either of you change, you're always going to end up back together because you've got this unbreakable bond or something. It's creepy."

"You're an idiot." I say. "But thank you. You're a great friend." I give her a hug and she squirms away playfully.

"True." She shrugs. "This is all fun and stuff, but you should probably get ready for work."

I nod at her and then go to my room and pull on some black clothes. I grab my phone and walk back past Chloe, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"See you later." I yell, opening the front door.

"Bye, loser."

I smile as I close the door behind me, rushing over to my car. This day has actually turned out a lot better than I had expected.


lmao this is a real slow burn, i'm sorry for the shortness and overall crappiness of this chapter lol, but it'll get better I swearrrrrrrrr


Roses [h.s]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora