best friend: "Soobin is walking up the steps of our dorm right now."

y/n: "What?"

[Y/N looks out window]

y/n: "Crap! He didn't even text!"

best friend: "Maybe he's surprising you."

y/n: "I'm literally in my pajamas and I look like shit."

best friend: "You have some time. Some student is asking him for directions or something."

y/n: "Really? Who--- oh my god."

best friend: "Can you warn me before you let out blood curdling screams?"

y/n: "It's... it's..."

best friend: "Do you know him?"

y/n: "He's another member of TXT, Yeonjun!"

best friend: "Huh. He's cute."

y/n: "Of course he is, he's Choi Yeonjun."

best friend: "You can't say those things, you have a boyfriend."

y/n: "I'm talking factually, not romantically."

best friend: "Well, you have less than five minutes to look somewhat presentable."

[Y/N runs to bathroom]

best friend: "Don't forget to put on a bra!"

y/n: "I won't!"

soobin: "Knock, knock."

best friend: "Soobin! We were not staring out the window looking at you."

soobin: "O-kaay... is [y/n] here?"

best friend: "Yep, she's just peeing."

(thump in bathroom)

best friend: "Aggressively peeing. So, who's this?"

yeonjun: "This is Yeonjun."

best friend: "Does Yeonjun always talk about himself in third person?"

yeonjun: "Only if he feels like he should. Can he stop now?"

best friend: "He may."

soobin: "Yeonjun's here for a study abroad dance program. He's from South Korea and he needed directions."

best friend: "To our dorm room?"

soobin: "To your dorm building. He's staying on the third floor."

best friend: "I see. So, we'll be building buddies."

yeonjun: "Only until the end of the semester. Then, I'm heading back home."

best friend: "Of course you are."

yeonjun: "Huh?"

best friend: "Nothing. [y/n], are you done in there?"

[Y/N exits bathroom]

y/n: "Yes. Hi."

soobin: "Hey, sorry to drop in unexpectedly. I was just showing someone directions to the dorm."

yeonjun: "Someone is me."

y/n: "Yeonjun. Of course."

yeonjun: "Oh, have we met?"

y/n: "Um... no! I just heard you from inside the bathroom. You guys talk so loud."

yeonjun: "Well you pee so loud."

y/n: "What?"

best friend: "Anyways. [y/n], Yeonjun is part of a semester-only dance program and then he's heading back to South Korea. How cool is that?"

y/n: "Very cool."

best friend: "Yeonjun, you should join us later for dinner."

yeonjun: "Thanks but I actually can't tonight. I have rehearsal until pretty late. You guys are free to come. It's an open session."

y/n: "I'm not good at dancing."

best friend: "I'm not good at anything."

yeonjun: (laughs) "The invitation's open if you change your mind."

y/n: "Soobin, why don't you go?"

soobin: "Because you're not going."

y/n: "You could learn. It could be a fun experience!"

soobin: "I'll go if you go."

y/n: "But I have to study..."

soobin: "You heard her, Yeonjun. Maybe next time--"

y/n: "Wait. I can study later. I'll go."

yeonjun: "Cool."

soobin: "Are you sure?"

y/n: "If I fail the test, I'll just blame you."

soobin: "And I'd gladly take it." (waves) "See you later."

[YEONJUN and SOOBIN leave]

y/n: "Choi Yeonjun was in our dorm room."

best friend: "Faint onto the bed and not the floor, please."

y/n: "And I'm going to a dance rehearsal later. Dear god..."

best friend: "You'll be fine. Just be in the very back of the class."

y/n: "I suck at dancing."

best friend: "What happened to your slow dancing skills?"

y/n: "Slow dancing is different! Dance performance is way harder. I'm going to break my knees."

best friend: "He said it's an open class. I'm sure they turned the difficulty level down a couple notches. How bad can it be?"

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