1.) Cabin

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                                                                              *Four Years later*


   July 16th, seven more days until my birthday. Seven more days until I turn 18. And my last summer before my first year of college.

Uncle Thomas would often warn me that I would miss high school once I graduated. I believed him mostly. I was going to miss being on the baseball team. But I definitely would not miss the SATs or finals.

I didn't have many friends. Only two guys on the baseball team I had become sort of friends with and a few other acquaintances. So at least I won't have to worry about missing anyone.

Uncle Thomas always told me that I was better suited for making friends at college. A "more mature crowd" as he puts it.

Sounds exciting to make friends, but I'm a loner. Always have been, and I'm positive meeting some rando in my biology class won't fix that. No one is distracting me from getting my DVM.

One day, I hope to manage my very own veterinary clinic. Animals are better than people.

Until that day, I have to make it through college. Fortunately, before I have to go through that, Uncle Thomas is taking me to our cabin Up North for my birthday.

Fishing and hiking have always been a fix for my anxiety. Also, they are very quiet activities that don't require talking. Which is always a plus.

"All done packing yet?" Uncle Thomas asks, peeking into my room.

I look up from my suitcase, where I have finally finished folding my clothes into.

"Just about," I respond.

"Good. Once you finish with that, take your suitcase out to the truck. We'll start heading out after that." He smiled at me and made his way down the hallway.

I slipped my charger and one last pair of socks into the suitcase. One last glance around my room and I was sure I had packed everything I needed for a ten-day trip.

I still can't believe Uncle Thomas had managed to score an almost two-week vacation from work. He must have been saving up his days off for a while for my birthday. A flicker of happiness formed in my stomach. But I tried to ignore it. People shouldn't try to make me feel special, it's unnecessary.

Gingerly, I zip my suitcase and carry it out to Uncle Thomas' Ford F-150.

Uncle Thomas follows me carrying our fishing poles. Together, we put the tonneau cover over the bed of the truck.

"Sure you got everything you'll need?" He asks.


"Great, let me go lock up the house. Why don't you start up the car and get CarPlay ready."

I nod and catch the keys from him.

Once I start the car and plug my phone into the AUX, I switch over to the passenger's seat. Just in time for Uncle Thomas to slide into the driver's seat.

"Are you sure I can't drive?" I inquire.

Uncle Thomas laughs a little, "man you just can't get enough of driving ever since you got that license", he shook his head a little, "and the answer is no. Just enjoy the drive, okay?"

"Fine," I respond.

And off we went. I was happy to be going to our cabin, our stays there have always been really fun. And the lake by our cabin is always full of Largemouth Bass and Lake Trout. Both of them taste really good, so there's that too. And considering it was my birthday trip, that meant I got to dictate what we got to do every day. Meaning we would be catching a lot of fish. I hope Uncle Thomas brought enough bait.

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