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your first day back at college was a wreck, you woke up late, your coffee machine wouldn't work and your car broke down.

you slumped against the door of the car resting your face in your hands "what a lovely day" you muttered sarcastically.

you texted your best friend wanda and when she didn't answer you texted carol.

car broke down, give a girl a ride?

it took a split second for her to answer.

be there in five :)

you picked out a decent first day outfit, hoping to impress at least one person. a tight pencil skirt with a loose button up white shirt tucked in. along with a pair of pump heels.

when carols car rolled up you grabbed your purse and hopped into the passenger seat with a sigh of relief.

"so what are you going for again?" she asked as she pulled out of the parking lot, practically speeding all the way to the campus.

"masters degree in creative writing" you forced a smile despite your pounding headache from lack of caffeine.

"sounds fun" she chuckled.

finally, you pulled into a parking space mumbled a thank you and hurried into the building. thankfully, you weren't late.

in fact, there were only four other people in the room when you walked in.

you walked down the risers and sat at a front seat in the corner, pulling out your laptop and setting it up in front of you.

as students began to fill the seats you finally heard the professors voice echoing in the room.

"good morning everyone" he said as he walked towards his desk, leaning on the edge. he introduced himself as bucky barnes.

you were taken aback by his handsomeness. his silky brown hair tucked into a bun, a thin layer of scruff and a casual outfit rather than a suit. a black shirt tight around his muscles. you forced the dirty thoughts out of your head and scolded yourself. he was your professor, not some guy at a bar.

you tried to keep your composure as he scanned the room, you noticed his piercing blue eyes lingering on you before he cleared his throat and looked away.

he started the lecture, speaking with such passion about literature and writing. students quickly grew to liking him, not only how attractive he was, but also how relaxed and calm he was, occasionally cracking jokes. which were actually funny despite the other teachers poor attempts at making students laugh.

you were fairly invested in a day dream involving bucky when he announced that the class would be writing a two page essay about ourselves, hobbies, future goals and fears.

at the end of the lecture he concluded with "i hope to see you all here tomorrow" his eyes met yours for a split second "now get outta here i have papers to grade" he chuckled.

you quickly gathered your things and got up to run smack into a guy you didn't know.

he looked you up and down, taking his sweet time admiring you. you saw the professors jaw clench from your peripheral vision as he did so.

"if your done undressing me with your eyes, i have a class to attend" you spoke sassily, earning a chuckle from your professor, and pushed past him, making your way to your next class.

you couldn't believe what you just said, laughing internally at how red his face turned. you opened the door to your next class, professor... rogers. he was tall with short blond hair, in your opinion he wasn't as attractive as professor barnes. not like you would say that aloud.

usually, you were shy and awkward, you weren't good at communicating and often shut down when you couldn't form a sentence or what you wanted to say. great for a college student. but the way your professor had looked at you last period gave you a wave of confidence.

you sat down in the middle row, away from other students. professor rogers was a history teacher who talked a great deal about world war two as if he served in it.

he was extremely intelligent and such a gentleman, he was way to pure to be a college teacher.

by the end of the day you settled on walking home, dropping the keys as you tried to unlock the door, you bent over and heard the elevator ding open allowing your professor a perfect sight of your ass.


"y/n?" of course, your creative writing professor lived on your floor. he was also staring at your chest.

you laughed nervously "oh- you live here too?"

"yep." he quickly flipped out a key and stepped to the door right next to yours, you mentally groaned "how come i've never seen you around?" he asked with a smirk.

that god damn smirk.

"i don't leave my apartment much" you shifted uncomfortably "and if i do i'm usually out with friends"

he smiled and swung his door open "guess i'll see you around" with that, he gave you one last smile and shut his door.

of course, convenient how the man you spent the day fantasizing about was your neighbor. who also happened to be your professor.

you groaned and popped the key in and unlocked your door, dropping your bag on the floor and flopping down on the couch.

you realized how thin the walls were, hoping his bedroom wasn't next to yours. praying to god he never heard you... pleasuring yourself.

you got up and popped bread into the toaster, not wanting to make an actual meal.

you spread peanut butter on the single slice of bread and took a bite as you trudged to your room.

despite it being 5:13 you crawled into bed and fell asleep easily.

"o-oh god" you moaned as your professor had you laying on your back on his desk as you rode his fingers.

he leaned close to your ear kissing under your ear and whispering "shhh. don't want anyone to hear you" with a dark chuckle.

you covered your mouth, biting your knuckles as his fingers pumped in and out of your entrance. familiar symptoms of your orgasm bubbled in your stomach as he pick up the pace.

he removed his fingers and got down on his knees, he wasted no time attaching his mouth around your clit, sucking gingerly on the sensitive nub.

you tugged on his chocolate brown strands as he tasted every inch of you

he lifted your legs over your shoulders as incoherent curses left your lips in breathless moans.

"i- f-fuck i'm gonna-" you were sent over the edge when he hummed against your core, black dots filled your vision as he tasted every last drop. he pulled up your panties as loud voices filled the hallways.

you came a bit early just for this moment, he winked at you as you sat in your normal seat, trying to control your shaking thighs.

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