"Twinkie?" he began searching for her, until he saw her at the door, pulling on her coat and boots. "What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving, because I shouldn't have to deal with your judgment." the woman turned grabbing her hat, pulling it over her head before turning to open the door. Oliver quickly walked over closing the door, only letting a second of the cold wind pass inside. "Let me go."

"No, because it's the middle of the night, and it's freezing outside." Oliver shook his head as the woman turned back to him. "I don't think you're fat, and when you eat a freezer filled with ice cream, I'm not judging you."

"It wasn't a freezer full." Katie muttered turning from the man's eyes, and he couldn't help the tired smile that came to his face. "I can't help that sometimes I just want to eat ice cream. Only ice cream." she turned back to the man with a pointed finger. "And you can't judge me for that because you did this to me."

"I'm not judging you. It's just this is new. I don't expect some of the things happening now. To realizing that you really like this ice cream, to finding you slumped over the toilet because your morning sickness is bad that day. I just—I'm trying to get a handle of this."

"Well I'm sorry. I only eat the stuff because it distracts me from other cravings." the woman said, suddenly wishing she hadn't because she knew he was going to try to dig deeper.

"What other cravings?" he asked and Katie sighed because she couldn't tell him. More like wouldn't tell him that sometimes she looks at him and just wants to maul him. She'd never felt anything like it, but the ice cream distracts her from wanting to pounce on the man every second.

"It doesn't matter, because it's not going to happen."

"Maybe it can, if it saves us money on all the ice cream you eat-" the woman swat his arm. "Sorry, it's not a lot of ice cream. It's a normal amount. I'm just saying if we focus on another craving-"

"It's not going to happen Oliver." the woman tried to move around him for the door once again.

"Wait, where are you going?" he asked and she turned back to him.

"To go get ice cream."

"It's three o'clock in the morning. Nothing is even open and even if it was, I'm not letting you go out there alone." The woman turned to the man, folding her arms over her chest. "I-I didn't mean let you, because I know I don't let you do anything because you're an adult. I get that, it's just-"

"It's really cold right?" she asked and the man gave a nod.

"Right." he replied. "It's cold and nothing-"

"Well that seven eleven is open twenty four hours." Katie said and Oliver quirked a brow. "I mean never mind. It's just ice cream, that your unborn child really wants tonight. We will get over it." she turned about to head for the stairs.

"That was very dirty Twinkie." the man said and Katie turned to see him shake his head before he grabbed his own coat. "Will this ice cream make you happy?"

"It really will." she replied walking back over to the man.

"Fine, I will travel in the snow-"

"Hey you chose the cabin in the Alps." he turned a look to the woman who just shook her head. "I mean I would really appreciate it Liver." She gave him a smile and Oliver knew there was no way he was not going out to that store tonight. At this point he'd go anywhere for this woman.

Oliver could barely keep his eyes open as he found himself walking down the aisles of the mini mart. He grabbed different snacks he knew she'd probably want, before walking over and spotting her favorite mint chocolate chip ice cream. He grabbed everything they had in stock before walking over to pay. Oliver didn't miss the glances from the check out girl.

"You must really love ice cream." she said and Oliver let out a snort.

"No, I love the woman who loves this ice cream." he replied.

It was a tiring trip down icy streets, in the dead of night for ice cream. And now none of it mattered as he sat at the kitchen table watching the woman as she enjoyed every bite. She glanced over to him with a quirked brow.

"Are you going to watch me the entire time?"

"I just might." he replied sitting back in his seat with a smile. She gave a smile back before going back to eating her ice cream. "What was the other craving?" she stopped and glanced back to the man. "I'm just curious."

"Well stop being curious, because it doesn't matter." the woman took a final bite of her ice cream before standing and heading over to the sink.

"It has to be something weird, that's why you won't tell me." Oliver said standing to his feet. "You don't want to feel embarrassed." the woman didn't say anything as she cleaned her bowl. "Twinkie you don't have to worry about feeling embarrassed. I told you, I won't judge these cravings." still not a word. "C'mon Twinkie it's-"

"Sex." she replied finally turning to the man and folding her arms over her chest. "During the first trimester it's kind of rare, but not unheard of for a woman's libido to go through the roof. I'm lucky enough to suffer from it." she grabbed the towel to dry her hands. She looked back over to the man who still stood there staring, and she notices the small smile at his lips and she shakes her head. "It has nothing to do with you." that was a total, blatant, lie, that she would never admit.

"I didn't say anything." the man replied.

"You don't have to, it's all over your face." she replied with a shake of her head before walking around the man.

"So are you saying if I didn't get that ice cream tonight..."

"I think this trip could've gotten a little more complicated." she replied with a chuckle. "So are you enjoying the first trimester as much as I am?" the woman pushed through the door and headed for the stairs.

"I think I might." Oliver muttered before turning and heading out of the kitchen as well. "Hey, you sure you don't want anymore ice cream!' he called after her and he heard her laughter. "Twinkie!"

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