Chapter 6: A Sneaky Escape

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You wake up in a mysterious room in a luxurious bed, the events of yesterday slowly coming back to you. The sunlight softly fills the room and you approach the door. You reach out with your fist to bang on it but the door swings open and instead of the door, your fist runs into Martine's nose."Hrumph!" he grunts as you punch him in the nose.

"I'm sor- oh wait! I am NOT SORRY! You kidnapped me!" you scream as you send him across the room with a rainbow. He just he brings himself back to you.

"Yes. Sorry about that, (YN), but we have some discussing to do. Follow me, if you would, and don't try to run out. The entrance is closed off and your rainbows, while powerful, can't blast through". Even though you are still angry, your curiosity gets the better of you and you follow Martine through a maze of caves until you are in a large, empty room. "Just humor me and try this. Take my hand, and on the count of three, send a blast of rainbow to the wall". You hesitantly follow his directions and take his hand. "One, two, three!" You send a rainbow, but there is more. Along with Marine, lightning bolts sear through the rainbow and crack the wall on impact. You feel warmth spreading through your body that you crave.

"This," he gestures to the damage and then to you, "is barely a taste of what we could do, what we could be. Isn't the power enticing, delectable?" he says, in a low, quiet voice.

"I refuse! I was not given this power to hurt my people! I will not be seduced by the darkness!". Martine just chuckles. "Imagine: hundreds of Martinians roaming the earth with your power growing as it runs through them.We can be gods, (YN), and if you wanted, after the plague takes over, you can use the new power you have gained to heal the people and you would be worshipped".

"People will die, Martine! I won't sacrifice my people just for the sake of my power. You could be better than this! I believe that there is good in you". The last words come off as a whisper. At his name, Martine's shield seemed to falter, and you realize this could be the end. You could get to Martine and bring him to the light. You set your hand on his heart and send warm rainbows into him. Tears run down his face and through his fur as the rainbow pushes to him.

"I, I think I understand," he says meekly. "I feel like there is something more in me than before, like a vacuum that has suddenly been filled".

"That's your heart, Martine, and by the looks of it, it grew 3 sizes. Please tell me that you can see why I can't join your cause. Can't you see that there is power in love just as much as there is power in fear? Maybe even more".

"I see. I would like to seek out this power of love. Will you assist me?" He asks shyly.

"Of course! We will start together by letting my land heal. Then you can join my friends and me! We are journeying through Thneedvi-,"

"CRASH!". Both you and Martine look to the entrance of a cave and a glowing giraffe is charging towards you.

"G-G-Gary? Is that you?" you ask. The giraffe nods and smiles at you affectionately as he gets between you and Martine. He turns to Martine with a glare.

"Hello, old friend. I believe you have taken one of my friends". Martine backs up sheepishly.

"Oh, Gary, I did, but (YN) has shown me the error of my ways and I want nothing more than to aid (YN) and (YN)'s friends". Gary looks shocked, but then backs up.

"Is this true, (YN), will he help us?".

"I believe he will".

"Well then, we should still be returning to your friends so we can all overpower the plague and help heal your land, " so you, Martine, and Gary all exit the cave and begin the long journey home.

His Furbiness, Pope Furbus ITempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang