Chapter 1: A Papal Collision

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Twas a quiet day in the Vatican city. The pope looks up toward the heavenly walls of the Sistine Chapel as he regally slithers toward the exit, ready for a leisurely stroll. However, at the same time his papal minions open the doors for His Furbiness, you unfortunately stop to admire the chapel right at the entrance-way. "Ooooof!" you squeak as you fly down the steps and straight onto the marble stairs. As you descend toward the bottom stair, you notice a furry snake-like creature making his way through the doorway with his mechanical eyes blinking rapidly in surprise. His coat must be the most luscious thing you have ever seen, and even as you fall, all you can think about is holding him. you know the beautiful creature can only be one thing: a Long Furby. you gasp again in surprise right before you black out on the cold floor.

You regain consciousness with a pounding headache on a cushioned palette in a room covered in fur. Black fur, orange fur, yellow fur, red fur, pink fur, leopard print fur, rainbow fur, and fur with colors indescribable by the English language. Then a long strand of snow-white fur begins to move. Soon, you see the face of the very Long Furby you saw exit the chapel. "What is your name?" he asks as he glides toward you.

"(Y/N)" you croak, oddly captivated every time his graceful beak moves.

"That was quite a tumble, little one," the unnamed Furby whispers to you. His voice is as soft as his fur looks.

"And who might you be? Where am I?"

"I am Pope Furbus and this is the Furbian wing of the Underground Sistine Chapel" He replies solemnly. you gasp again, shocked that the Godly Long Furby would ever assist you. you ask the first question that comes to mind before you can stop myself.

"How do you speak English? We're in Italy!" He chuckles knowingly and gazes pensively in the distance.

"Oh, dear human, all Long Furbies speak through their heart, not through worldly language. We do much more than you can possibly imagine..." He says while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. 'What could he mean by that?' you wonder, 'Can he fly? Can he teleport?' Pope Furbus laughs again, confusing you until he says "We can do all of that, and more! Oh! And we can read minds!".

"Oh," you say, blushing as you recall intensely admiring his fur earlier, hoping he didn't notice. Then, you feel the light touch of a Furby hand on your forehead and then your headache disappears.
"All better!" He says as he starts to slink away. "You shall stay here until tomorrow, (Y/N). you apologize on behalf of my minions for injuring you so," he says as he makes his way to the fuzzy door. you quickly avert my eyes after you realize you were staring and soon drifted off into a relaxing sleep.

For the second time in a row, you woke up to the glorious Long Furby standing above you, looking somewhat troubled. "Is everything alright?" you ask him, worried that something has happened.

"Not yet, but a plague shall infiltrate this land quite soon, I'm afraid. Where are you from? Hopefully, it will be safer for you there, little one".

"Kansas, Your Furbiness. I am supposed to return next week".

"We best get you home now, before this situation gets any worse," he says. "And I have another skill that shall assist us!" he adds with a wink. He places his hand on yours and your heartbeat quickens with the contact. "Kansas!" He shouts and then you feel like you are getting pulled inside out.

You wake up in the middle of a wheat field near your home. you look around, expecting to find the Long Furby beside you, but he is nowhere to be found. "Pope Furbus! Pope Furbus! Where are you!" you scream, tearing through the dead wheat in search for him.

"Over here!" you hear him hoarsely whisper. you find him in a ball, covered in dirt, with cuts and bruises everywhere.

"Oh my darling pope! What happened!"

"Kansas was a little further away than I thought it was, (Y/N)" he replies with a weak smile before he passes out. Grateful that he was too weary to read your mind, all you could think about is that even covered in dirt, he is the most beautiful creature you have ever laid eyes upon. you pick up the injured Furby and carefully carry him to your farm.

The next day, Pope Furbus wakes up in a fitting turn of events, this time with you nervously peering at him. He gingerly tries to move himself through the makeshift straw bed, but flops in exhaustion from the effort. "Can I help you get more comfortable, Pope?" you ask him.

"Please do. And you can just call me Furbus. We have been through quite a bit, haven't we," he says. you help straighten his tail into a more comfortable position. "Alas, you think tomorrow I must be on my way to my homeland to restore my power. It won't be quite as difficult to get there, but I must ask, will you accompany me and share some of your energy for the journey?" He asks you.

"Of course, Po- um- Furbus!"

"Thank you dear!" He responds. 'I should be the one thanking him,' you think, as you are all too eager to spend more time with His Furbiness.

His Furbiness, Pope Furbus ITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon