Dare (DeathCrusher567)

441 4 9

Shade: Yeet! *Flies in through a wall*

Luna: Tu pakaļa esi vai?(Translate)

Shade: No u

Luna: (×-×)

Moon: Flare, read. *Gives a slip of paper to Flare*

Flare: Today's dare is from DeathCrusher567 again, and we must spin the wheel of missuperpowers.

Luna: Dun dun dunn!

Shade: *pops it in* Got it already.
Speed, you first.

Speedy: Mkay'. *Spins* I got... I can produce electricity? I already could that!

Everyone: *surpressed laughter*

Shade: Lazuli.

Lazuli: *spins* I got... I can now cry hamburgers? Actually that's not so bad.

Shade: Leafy, Flare, Silvia!

Leaf: *spins* I got... make plants from anything?  I'll take that!

Flare: *spins * Okay... plant
trees? Okay?

Silvia: *spins* I have... pain every time I say anythin... Owowow!!!

Shade: Black, Kris, Sunshine and Pearl.

Black: *spins* Gender change anytime? Meh.

Kris: *spins* Yeaa! I can make money from paper!

Sunshine: *spins* Umm... Become twice adwowable? What's dwat?

Everyone: Awww...

Pearl: Finally. *spins* Whoa. Make anyone fall in love with me? I already have a target?.

Hosts: And I think that's gonna be it folks! See ya next time!

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