The Extreme Notification

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In the past, she had made plans to stop Ether. All of them hadn't ended well, yet she had done her best to plan them out. What they were doing now ... Was it too simple? It wasn't enough, was it? Panic began to creep into her veins, and she struggled to think even of the whole thing anymore.

"(F/n)." Her name exited his lips in a near whisper. A hand rested on her left shoulder, and his breath hit the back of her ear. Up her spine, a shiver traveled. She broke out of her thoughts and peered over her shoulder to stare back at him. On his lips was a frown. "You're worrying too much."

Returning to him his frown, she answered, "You are too. I can tell." Her (e/c) optics analyzed his. Outwardly, he was calm. Inside, though, his mind was reviewing countless possibilities of where her past tormentor could strike from. Maybe, she was wrong, but his eyes certainly showed that he wasn't entirely focused on where he was at currently. "You don't like this plan." That only increased her own concern.

"That's not it." He pulled his hand back. "I don't like that I don't where he is or what direction he'll come from. Will it be a window, the stairs, when we're on the road with no other cars, etc.?" Ether crossed his arms, and his left nails tapped dangerously against his right arm. Any harder, they would be piercing his flesh as though it was a meat for a shish kabob. "It pisses me off. I wish that I ..."

"You could've killed him back in the subway?" His eyes met hers directly, and she saw a spark momentarily ignite in his very pale blue optics. She released a drawn-out sigh. "If you had gone after him, you probably could've."

"Then, you'd be dead, and it would've been pointless." His expression softened a little. "Remember, you're my life." (F/n) didn't smile to him, but she relaxed slightly. "My priority is making sure that you live through this and that I am there with you."

"You couldn't have stopped with just the first part?" she asked, a slight smirk on her lips. It was forced a little bit, but she couldn't resist saying it. It helped lighten the mood in her mind.

"No." He grinned and giggled. "I'm not going to die easily." His left hand patted her on the head, and his nails didn't even touch her skin in the process. Ether crouched down in front of her and grinned up to her. "That's especially the case since you're no longer my murderer." A smirk fell on his lips. "I'm not going to let that a**hole kill me. I only wouldn't mind you killing me, but that bond between us is over. Now, ..."

"We're not partners," she clarified, wishing that he would remove his hand. His nails weren't touching her, but they were restricting her movement. "But, we're ..." She didn't know what to call them. Words left her mind, and she furrowed her brows.

Giggling, Ether stood up and removed his hand. "Not partners?" He shrugged. "I disagree, but if you want another name for us. Hmm ..." The creature hummed in thought and tapped his right foot on the ground. "Lovers?" he asked with a grin on his lips. Not amused, (f/n) raised a brow and glared.

Holding his hands up in surrender, he responded, "Fine, fine. Not that." Ether seated himself on the chair across from her at the table. He leaned back and crossed his arms. "I don't think that the term friend works either for us." He furrowed his brows now.

"You seem to be having just as much trouble," she pointed out as she rested her chin on the palm of her left hand.

"Seems it's mutual," he mentioned back with a smirk. One of her eyebrows twitched, and she grumbled across from him. Mentally, though, he was smiling. Their conversation was distracting both of them from the potential dim days that lied in front of them. Ether giggled. "I really think that 'partners' is the best term for us. We're going to be fighting him together. Or, we're planning his death together anyway."

"No." She was adamant on it since she knew that partners in his mind equated to lovers, and she didn't agree to that in the slightest. If she still had the ability to kill him, that would've been better since she could've kept the term 'murderer.' Frustrated at the whole thing, she offered, "What about we just don't apply a name to us? You didn't have a name for a long time after all."

Thinking over it, Ether shrugged. "We could do that. I don't mind. But, let's say that you don't have to have a name for us. I have many, however." His grinned turned a little threatening, but she didn't think that it was directed at her. Then again, he might be trying to intimidate her into accepting the term 'partners.' Unfortunately, it was somewhat working, but she wouldn't admit it. It was irritating how his grin and giggles still could be terrifying if he had that certain gleam in his eyes. The look brought her back to Cankerfell, and a dreadful chill flowed through her blood.

Before either of them could say another word, however, the cell phone, which Deidre had given them and was in the middle of table, rang. Both of them looked over to it. (F/n) reached out and grabbed it. Instantly, she recognized the number. It was her parents. Strange. Most of the time, she called them. She just had talked to them earlier in the day too since all of them would be heading out later in the morning once everything was ready.

Confusion was written across her countenance, and she stared over to Ether as though he would have an answer to her puzzlement. He seemed just as perplexed by the call. A knot formed in her stomach as her mind went to horrible conclusions. She answered the call and placed the phone up by her right ear. "Hello? Mom? Dad?"

"..." Silence was on the other end, and the knot in her stomach grew. She heard heavy breathing on the other side. It sounded like her dad, but why would he ... "(F/n)!" he practically cried out into the phone. Panic radiated off of his voice as though he was broadcasting his words to the entire region. "He's gone! He's gone!" he screamed into the phone, and (f/n) felt sick at her father's next words.

Infectious Submission (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora