The Killer Vampire

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It was a bright night

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It was a bright night.

It never got particularly dark during the month of October, due to all the magical activity going on. Magic users were very active during this fall month, and with said activities; necromancy, spells, sacrifices, and rituals the moon turned to an orangish red hue, casting eerie shadows across the elm woods she was in.

Which was good for Xanya. She licked her lips, leaning over her latest meal, a deer. The month of October meant more power, as ancient things were awakened, and new magic mixed with old. Her craving for food was greater as well. She was a vampire, and a damn good one at that. Her red hair shimmered in the pale orange moonlight, and her liquid green eyes saw everything around her. A fairly imposing physique showed off her lovely human form, but she was no longer truly human, having been alive for the past two hundred years. Xanya had learned many tricks to surviving as a vampire, and always alluded capture.

True, there was a bounty on her head, she had killed a rich farmer's wife two weeks ago.
It hadn't been her fault though, she thought it had been the butler when she broke into the house. The man had tried to scream upon spotting her, but Zanya had clapped a tight hand over his mouth and that had been that. Xanya was truly one of the more wicked vampires, and relished in it.
Upon learning of the bounty placed on her head today, she was making plans to visit the rich farmer and show him exactly why people normally did not put a bounty on her head. That was the best way to keep that from happening over the years. Her reputation proceeded her, but on occasion some foolish person would issue an expensive reward, and Xanya would tell the world what happened when you messed with her.

She cocked her head, practically tasting the magic in the air. Xanya wondered why any bounty hunter would be foolish enough to take her on. Through all the years not a damn one had bested her, a fact she was immensely proud of. A smile played on her lips at the thought.

A twig snapped.

Xanya glanced around, not worried, but curious. "Whoso cometh?" She still spoke the old dialect, hating the new way people spoke in this age.


Then she saw it, a small rabbit scurrying away. She relaxed ever so slightly, she wasn't nervous, who would be in such a magic inducing month of the year? Vampires roamed much more freely than they normally did or could. Thank god for warlocks and witches with all their silly little spells and incantations. Suddenly a shadow flew over her, casting weird angles of light as the shape landed a dozen yards in front of her.

The figure was imposing, six feet at least. They looked taller with the ubiquitous black cloak around the person's body. Double swords were strapped to the person's back, an attempt at badassery apparently. A hood concealed the features, and Xanya wasn't sure what sex or even species it was. What interested Xanya was that the figure kept its back to her, seemingly unworried about her advance. No matter, she grinned, it had just made the biggest and last mistake of its life.

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