Chapter 3: Watch Me Burn Down In Flames

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Loki didn't sleep much that night.

He spent hours poring over several volumes that piled up in his reading room, a task that would have taken him barely an hour if he hadn't been so distracted. Despite the inherent difficulties of it, closing an inter-realm portal was a walk in the gardens compared to understanding you.

Were you jealous? Well, yes. That's what made it so fun for him.

Were you expecting something more from him? You were smart enough not to. If you ever did, clearly it wasn't the case any longer. Not after what happened in the war room.

Did you mean it when you said you were done? If there was the tiniest sliver of a chance to make you change your mind, Loki had blown it all to Hel.

He couldn't read past two paragraphs without thinking about it. Why did he care so much anyway? Even after finishing his research, tucked comfortably in his bed, the thought kept spinning inside his head.

The sun wasn't a welcome sight after falling asleep late into the night. After a quick bath and a light breakfast, Loki made his way to the barracks. Preparations were almost done, a supply cart was leaving as Loki arrived. The einherjar had fetched the horses from the Royal Stables and were waiting for everyone to arrive.

Of course, you were already there, supervising everything. As soon as you saw Thor arrive, you made a head count and gave the order to depart. Loki rode silently in the second row, watching you talk to Thor the whole way.

Once the riders reached the River Outpost, everyone was assigned into a group. Loki already knew what he would be doing, so he stood in the back waiting for everyone else. The bulk of the soldiers departed with Thor and his entourage. Only a handful of soldiers were to escort Loki and you to the caves, and you'd be going on foot.

"Your grace." You bowed your head slightly.

"Don't do that." He muttered. You ignored him.

"Ready when you are. Is there anything else you need?"

Loki shook his head and gripped the small satchel he had brought with him.

"I thought you would have preferred to go with the other group." He said.

"A senior officer has to be here to lead your escort." You explained dryly.

Loki didn't say anything else.

Your group started up the hill. The walk was not long, but it was difficult in some places, and therefore slow. When you reached the caves entrance, you gave instructions to the soldiers for them to guard the exits. You closed your fur lined cloak and stepped into the caverns.

"This way, your majesty."

Loki rolled his eyes and huffed, but said nothing, following you inside the cavern. The rock on the outside gave way to a thick sheet of ice that made the temperature drop. Loki pressed his fingers to the ice, it felt alien . It didn't belong in Asgard anymore than the Frost Giants that dragged it here. You were already several feet away from Loki when he started walking again.

"How do you know which way-" He asked, after catching up with you.

You didn't say anything, just looked at him and pointed to the floor. Bright markings were showing the way. You both walked in silence until you reached the portal.

Right in the middle of an ice vault, there was a swirling mass. Its colors changed from blue to silver to gold as it rippled, distorting whatever was behind it.

Loki rounded the portal, studying it, touching what seemed to be the edges with his seidr. Then, he sat on the floor and opened his satchel. Fiddling with several contraptions he got to work. It was strange to watch Loki do actual work with his seidr, and mesmerizing. You had seen him do simple tricks before, mostly making clothing articles disappear. This was different, and undoubtedly more complicated. Loki would groan in frustration and rearrange his gadgets over and over again. He kept muttering things under his breath, whether they were spells or curses, you did not know.

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