I'll do nothing but submit

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It'll be 'til the end, give me nothing I've ever tried. It'll be the perfect sin, something like the truest lie. Everywhere somehow, the only place I'll ever be. As long as you hold me down, oh such a liberty.

"If I walk in here and Ashlyn so much as breathes in my direction, then I reserve the right to kick her ass."

Melody rolled her eyes at her girlfriend, "I'm not making that deal with you."

"Oh, I wasn't asking for permission." Hope said matter-of-factly.

"Was it in your contract to dislike each other so much? If so, you can stop now, because that was terminated six months ago, in case you forgot."

Hope huffed out an annoyed breath, "She's a privileged prick who has everything she's worked for handed to her. Fuck. I practically wrapped you in a bow and shipped you over to her with a singing telegram."

That was an exaggeration if Melody had ever heard one. And in all honesty, it wasn't really true. Hope had very little to do with Melody's inconvenient dalliance with Ashlyn. Well, Hope had very little to do with it if you disregard the fact that the relationship was totally a distraction for Melody in the first place.

"Yes, I know you hate her, and she hates you just as much. You're mortal enemies. Whatever. But can you please not do something that could potentially get you arrested?! You got me. I'm stuck with you. You don't have to fight anymore. You can relax, Hope." Melody leans up to kiss Hope softly.

Hope started to pout uncharacteristically. Melody placed a hand on the taller woman's cheek.


Melody shook her head with a soft smile, "If she starts to get chippy we'll just leave, and you'll just have to live with the knowledge that she sees me going home with you, and not her."

Though, Melody thought, Hope would be pleasantly surprised to find that Ashlyn probably doesn't care nearly as much as Hope assumes she does.

It took awhile (like months), but after some urging from Alex, Ashlyn finally gave Ali a call. Melody isn't quite sure what has developed for them since that, but from the stark peices of information she can pull out of Alex now and then, things are going well.

"I love you."

Melody looked up at Hope. The seriousness in her face and earnest in her voice had caught her off gaurd.

"I love you too."

The pure determination in Hope's gaze is astounding, "I'm going to put my last name on the back of your jersey one day."

Melody chuckled, "That'll get confusing won't it?"

"That implies that I'll be playing again." Hope scoffed. She stuffed her hands into her back pockets, and leaned onto the kitchen counter behind her.

"Won't you? Your suspension is up." They hadn't talked about that. Which, was an odd thing for them at this point. Couples therapy had taught them that they pretty much needed to talk about everything because of their individual tendencies to keep things to theirselves.

And they had abided by that rule. Apparently, relationships weren't that hard when you tell the other person how you feel. Who would've thought?

Melody had just assumed Hope would come back to the team. To her it was a given. Hope had unfinished business, and her entire MO was proving people wrong. The conclusion was natural.

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