Not too close, not too far

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A.N. I decided to just say fuck it, and post this chapter too.


We made a promise to one another. That nothing would ever break what we had. Now, we never talk when we fall apart

It's been a long couple of week for Melody. It's stressful and a bit lonely. And none of that serves to help the fact that the Olympics are only days away.

The team is a bit worse for wear in terms of actual teamwork at the moment and that can't be good.

On top of that...she misses her. She misses someone she sees almost everyday. She tries to hide it. She tries desperately but several people see right through her. Alex, Kelley, and Julie. The latter of which, is the only one with the guts to say anything.

"She's giving you the space you asked for."

Melody chuckles bitterly, "She chooses now to listen to me?"

"That's not fair and you know it, Melody. You can't tell her not to talk to you and then get mad when she does what you told her." Julie admonishes.

They're sitting on Melody's bed, as they talk. The TV is on a 24 hour music channel for background noise. They leave it on at night for that very reason and because Melody may have a tiny fear of the dark.

"I know that, but I miss her, and I shouldn't. She's an asshole, but I like it. Clearly I have a mental problem, right? Who enjoys having their heart ripped out of their chest repeatedly?" She flopped back into the pillows dramatically.

Julie laughs lightly at her antics, "I don't think it's that you like having your heart ripped out of your chest, but instead you just really, really like Hope. That just seems to be a byproduct that neither of you can avoid for some reason." Julie furrowed her brows as she thought about why that could be. One day she's going to pull out the astrology charts she played with as a teenager and answer some serious questions about those two.

How can someone develop such strong feelings for someone virtually over night and yet still have reservations about the relationship?


"Maybe you should talk to her."

"Because that worked the last three times. Whenever we talk it always ends one of two ways. We have sex or I walk away crying. There's no inbetween really. I highly doubt time will change that."

Julie hums, "Never know until you try."

Melody is quiet for a long moment before letting out a soft yawn, "Enough about my love life, or lack thereof. Lets talk about yours. How are you and Christen?"

Julie's face drowns in a deep red blush. She tries to hide her face behind Melody's shoulder but it doesn't help much.

"I, uh, we're good. You know Christen. Kind of hard not to be good."

Melody nods, "How'd I get stuck with the mean one?" Julie hits her arm playfully, her smile slowly becomes a bit more apprehensive.

"Sometimes I wonder if she still has feelings for Tobin."

Melody turns to face Julie with a serious look in her eyes, "JJ, there's absolutely no reason for you to think that. Christen looks at you like you're the reason why she breathes. Sure, they still talk but they're best friends. Besides, I don't think Tobin even remembers the rest of our names when she's near Alex. You've got nothing to worry about."

"Thanks. That does make me feel a bit better."

Melody nods. She won't admit that she's just a bit jealous, but she most definitely is. Why does this love thing have to be so damn difficult for her, and not anyone else? She must have murdered someone important in a past life.

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