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'charlie !'

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'charlie !'

charlotte gibbs was someone everyone knew, unlike the untouchables who were more feared by everyone charlotte was hated by no one.

the girl had a spunk that made everyone fall completely head over heels for her, she frowned at no one even sharing smiles with the most hated people. walking towards the high school the girl was excited for a new year.

charlotte was no doubt on everyones list to try and ask out this year as she was heavily attractive, she waved at some boys who were in her ap history class two of them being boys who made it prompt to get the girls number, but none prevailed.

she walked up the path smiling and waving at people who said hi to her as she passed. the girl walked along with her brother sean as he texted someone on his phone, the twins were a popular pair. sean was a lad who had good grades, a good friend to his buddies otis and eric, ruby was always trying to get with him but the boy had and always will have his eyes set on a certain meave wiley. "uh oh ruby alert," charlie whispered watching an untouchable walk over to them with a bright smile.

"oh christ—" sean had to turn fast and make a b-line for the school. "why don't you just tell her you're not interested?" she asked laughing as she jogged to catch up. "i have!" he announced making her chuckle.

her book bag was slung over her shoulder along with her book in hand she was currently reading. checking her phone as it dinged, it was meave telling the girl she arrived.

meave was charlies best friend the girl was friends with everyone but she can't trust everyone like she trusts meave, she was also good friends with her british cousin aimee who she loved dearly the girl was as dumb as a rock but that didn't make her any less sweet.

passing through the crowd of students, the twins were met with the voice of eric effiong, she loved eric he was her good friend also, when they had gym together and the two adored one another. "hello boys!" sean called making the girl laugh and he greeted his two best friends, "hey guys!" she met eyes with the taller blue eyed boy her thick irish accent made her stick out in any situation, "good morning otis," she smirked batting her eyes thats caught the boys attention right away otis and the other two knew of his crush on his best friend sister and honestly sean was not worried he knew the boy was a good lad trusted him to be a good person with her.

"hello charlotte," he greeted making the girls blush turn from a rosy pink to a dark red. "i'll see you in class loves, sean find me after i have the keys!" she jingled the keys in the boys face making him roll his eyes, "alright good bye charlies." the girls laugh ringed in otis's ears before she turned the corner out of sight.

charlotte met up with meave as they sat with each other in the assembly eric played the french horn off key but the girl didn't mind she thought eric was killing it.

charlie clapped along with otis and sean who was across the ways from her, meave pushed the girls hands down when it got awkward. "thank you eric for that rendition of the school anthem it was adequate." charlotte frowned at the headmasters response leaning over to meave who whispered, "didn't he get a boner while playing a trombone?" she asked charlie.

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