eleven: i'm sorry.

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"Are you out of your damn mind, Fogarty?" Sweet Pea and Toni walked into Fangs' trailer, ready to snap at any moment. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Sweet Pea yelled.

"No need to yell at me Sweet Pea. I've already been beating myself up all day," Fangs said calmly. He looked up at the two serpents, eyes red and puffy. Sweet Pea showed the boy compassionate eyes. Toni wouldn't budge from her angry face.

"Did you do it? Did you bring that girl the fizzle rocks?" Toni questioned him, trying to get more answers. He looked up at the pink-haired girl, eyes admitting to the drug deal. Toni rolled her eyes, storming out of the trailer. The two boys followed her. "Are you really that dumb?" She yelled.

"I know, Toni. I'm stupid. I'm an idiot," Fangs snapped. She was a little taken aback. "I already know that, but what am I supposed to do? What's done is done. I can't do anything to change it."

"Go talk to her," Sweet Pea cuts in.

"I can't do that and you both know that," Fangs felt the tears welling up once again.



His thoughts were racing as Jughead said the words. "Fangs, give me your jacket."

Sweet Pea tried to protest, "Are you serious?"

"Sweet Pea, it's okay," Fangs stopped his tall serpent friend. "I'm the one who broke the rules." Looking Jughead in the eyes, he took his jacket off, tossing it at his leaders feet. He walked away, going straight for his bike. He hopped onto the motorcycle, not knowing where he was going. Before his mind even had time to process what had happened, he found himself in front of Alice's house, tears streaming down his face.

He knocked on the front door. It slowly creaked open, Alice poking her head through. Her face hardened until she saw the tears coming down his face. "Fangs," Her voice was soft.

"Jughead kicked me out," His voice broke.

"He what?" Alice's face hardened again. "How could he do that to you? Didn't he say he would let it slide this time?"

"Yeah, but he found out about that girl last night and he flipped."

Alice pulled her ex boyfriend into a tight hug. She tangled her fingers into his hair. Fangs pulled away from the hug, looking deep into the girl's soul. He leaned down, placing his lips on hers, almost asking for permission. She kissed him back. Pulling on his shirt, she led him into the house.

Fangs broke the kiss, concerned, "Is anyone here?" She shook her head no before attaching herself to him. She pushed him onto the couch, crawling up on him. Connecting their lips, she slipped her tongue into his mouth. Fangs felt his breath hitch at the action. She smiled against his lips, causing Fangs to smile back. Alice pulled away, sitting next to the boy on the couch.

"That was good," Fangs laughed. Alice smiled up at him, cuddling into his side, her arms wrapped around his waist.



Toni called Alice as Fangs left her driveway. "Is Fangs there?"

"He just left," Alice answered the girl. "He's screwed, isn't he?" She knew what Toni was about to say.

"Jughead already gave him a pass. I don't know if he'll give him another one," She moved on from the topic. "So, you guys good?" She asked, referring to the couple.

"He came over and we talked a little and then we kissed a little, but I don't know. I know he's going through a lot, but every time I look at him, all I can see is a liar," She could almost hear Toni's disappointment on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah. Just take a few days and think about it, but talk to him. Tell him how you feel."

"Toni, I can't hurt him. The look in his eyes when I told him we were done. It broke me."

Toni sighed, "I get that, but you can't leave him hanging if you're just gonna break up with him in the end." Alice could feel the tears in her eyes, a few slipping out. "I gotta go but I'll talk to you in the morning, okay?"

"Okay," Her voice was quiet, nonexistent almost.

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