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The garments that was once covering her whole , slipped from her as she walks along the sea to bathe. She splashed some sea water on her hair and she washed to clean. Above, the sea is slightly litted, the water seems like it is glistening its beauty under the moonlight. The woman hummed and sang her mother's lullaby along with the cicidas at night. The woman frowned as she felt a presence behind, watching her with an intense gaze.

"What are you doing here at this time at night?" she asked the stranger with a calm soft voice. The man slightly surprised that the woman isn't mad at him for romantazing her.

"I am a marine and was tasked to patrol in this certain area. I was slightly tired and decided to come here by the sea to watch the waves. I didn't expected that such a beautiful woman is here."
She blushed as she continues on what she is doing as the marine watches her bathe under the moon.

"Marine, you haven't even seen my face. Is that what you are saying to every other girl you've met?" he just chuckled at her. Already finished bathing, the woman turned towards him. Revealing in her naked glory, a tall slender womanly figure. With her beautiful long black her that perfectly accentuated her facial features especially her eyes that is black as a raven's. Waters dripped along her soft skin as she walks towards him. Never been in his life that he saw a woman as beautiful as her. He restrained his self to run his fingers on each and every part of her, and own her. He cleared his throat and fixed his composure, but it's too late. The woman already noticed the marine's reaction.

The man seems to be really older than her and is in his mid thirties but that doesn't change the way he looks. He's an unusually muscular and tall man with a very strong and well pronounced facial features. She could still see his handsome face even if he's wearing a cap. He wore a simple dark gray hood that seemed to be part of the cloak he wore beneath his suit, even though it undeniably showed his well toned and muscular frame.

She gathered her clothes and dressed in front of him.  She offered a soft smile to the man in front of her "It is rude for me not to introduce my self before leaving. "My name is Raven."

The man smiled upon hearing her name. The name really suits her well. "Do you think that you and a marine will ever meet again?" he bitterly laughed. She just shrugged as she turned her back to leave and stopped and said "Well I'm not that sure Marine, but if ever it is fated for us to meet again... that will happen."

She started to part her way, then he heard the man said
"Sakazuki ." she lightly smiled knowing the name of the man that enamoured her for a short span of time. She know to herself that they will meet again as she dissappears through the darkness of the night.

Little did they know that it was just the start.

Hello guys it is my first time to write and pls bear with me for I am not that fluent in English and I'm not used to writing. At this time of the story Akainu is just the vice admiral as you can see on the picture here (Ohara incident) yeah he's that slightly young haha.

The protagonist will be Silvers Rayleigh and Shakuyaku (Shakky's) daughter named Silvers Raven

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The protagonist will be Silvers Rayleigh and Shakuyaku (Shakky's) daughter named Silvers Raven. She's still not a pirate when she met Sakazuki back there. She doesn't know that his parents because she is adopted. Soon she will know Haha just imagine she's beautiful (prettier than Hancock) sorry XD SPOILER ALERT


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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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