Chapter 7

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*Cynthia's POV*

We headed back to Gamzee's "room". He seemed so angry... It kind of scared me, but then again... I didn't really feel the need to be afraid.

He sat down on his bed and put his head in his hands. I walked over and sat beside him, placing a hand on his back.

"Hey... If they're stupid people, you shouldn't get mad. They're not worth it." I said quietly. He nodded without looking at me. The sun had come up now and I could see the walls better. "Honk" was written everywhere in different colors. It was pretty, but it set me off a bit...

"So... You like painting...?" I asked, changing the subject. He raised his head and looked around.

"Oh... Yeah, I love painting the motherfuckin walls, lil mama." He said with a smile. We sat there admiring his work. Without even thinking, I moved over and leaned against him. He tensed up a bit, but let me. I don't really know why I did it, but i'm i'm glad i did.

I jumped back to where I was sitting before when I heard foot steps outside. The shorter one that yelled at me earlier stepped inside.

"Hey... Listen Gamzee, I'm sorry for yelling like that... That was wrong and I was acting like an ass."

"It's ok Karbro... but I think you should motherfuckin apologize to her..."

The shorter one looked at me and apologized. I told him it was no big deal, and that it was ok. After that, we all just stayed in Gamzee's car, laughing and joking around as the train sped on. The shorter one's name was Karkat, and he informed me on all of the other trolls. Basically, it was just how they acted, what their names were, and their "quadrants". That part confused me, but I think I understood it...

There was matesprit, which basically means dating. There was kismesis which meant that you hated each other, but still had an intimate relationship. There was moirail, which was kind of like a best friend situation; one would keep the other one stable. The last one was auspitice, which was a mediator for the kismesis. They stopped the kismesis from killing one another.

"Gamzee and I are moirails, so that's an example." Karkat explained. "Sollux and Araida are matesprits and Eridan and Vriska are kismesis. Vriska was the one that walked up to Gamzee a while ago."

I nodded, trying to remember what each of them meant. The train had been moving for a while now. None of us really wanted it to stop, but we heard the hissing of the brakes.

"Are you guys performing tonight?" I asked.

"Nah lil mama. We just stop when Hussie gets tired."

I nodded and opened the door a bit. It was bright outside, but not by much. The sun looked like it had about an hour before it went down. Karkat stood up made his way to the door.

"I'm going to talk to Terezi. I'll see you guys later." He said as he left the car.

That left me and Gamzee sitting with an awkward silence.

"So... What are you all about lil mama?"

"Well... I don't know what you mean." I said, slightly embarrassed.

"Who are you? The real motherfuckin you?" He said with interest in his purple eyes.

"Oh... well... I like drawing... and singing... and i'm a fan of piano music..." I trailed off. I really had no idea what to say.

I looked back at him, wishing he'd break the silence, but he just stared at me, grinning. It was slightly creepy... But I liked it. His eyes looked like they were glowing. I think they were actually. The light from the setting sun reflected on his hair, making the purple tint show. It amazed me, how they could do all these things. I mean, I had purple hair a couple months ago, but it never looked that natural.

"Anything else lil mama?" He asked.

"I don't think so... My life's pretty boring..."

"Nobody's motherfucking boring." He said with a grin.

We talked for a while when we realized the sun had gone down. He got some blankets and placed them on the floor.

"Gamzee, I can sleep on the floor tonight... If you have to preform, I don't want your back being messed up."

He opened his mouth to object, but thought about it for a while.

"You wouldn't mind?..."

"Not at all!"

He smiled in relief and i got off the bed. I layed on the blankets in the floor and wrapped myself up in them. They smelled like popcorn and cotton candy...

All it did was make me hungry.

My stomach started growling, and i realized i hadn't eaten since yesterday. I tried to sleep, but the growls got louder and louder. Then finally...

"Hey... Lil mama..."

I sat up to look at him.


"Come on. We're gonna motherfuckin get you somthing to eat." He said with a smile. I nodded and got up. He jumped out of bed and we walked outside, looking for someplace to eat.

"I just don't understand why he's letting her stay!"

Gamzee pulled me behind a large tree that sat by the railroad. He was quiet and listened as the people spoke.

"I'm sure he'll change his mind."

"No, I doubt he will! He hasn't been very smart lately!"

"With what desicions?"

"EVERYTHING! Letting them see Sollux's power, letting me have to get my hands dirty taking down the tent-"

"Vriska, that's everyone's job."

"Sure, but what about Gamzee? Is it a wise decision to let him stay around others?"

I tensed up a bit, considering he was standing less that a foot away from me. The two talking figures came into veiw. There was a mean one who i guessed was Vriska and the other... I didn't know. I remembered seeing her with the chainsaw during the show. She had on a black turtleneck and a red skirt.

"Frankly, I'm more concerned about you."

"Kanaya! How could you say that?? Without me, everyone would've fallen!"

"Everyone has fallen... Or did you forget?... That's why we're here."

Kanaya walked back to her car, leaving Vriska alone.

"Yeah??" Vriska shouted, "You know he'll snap, Kan! HE ALWAYS DOES!"

She growled and stormed off to her car, leaving just me and Gamzee. I looked at him and saw how angry he was. His eyes had turned red and he had a death grip on the tree that we were standing behind. He tightened his grip even more and broke off a chunk.

"Gamzee!" I yelled, trying to snap him out of it. He looked at me with his red and purple eyes. We stared at each other for a moment, until his eyes went back to normal. When he had fully calmed down, he engulfed me in a hug. I hugged back, letting him know everything was ok. He pulled back and kissed me on the forehead.

"Thanks lil mama... Now let's get you something to eat."

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