Mysterious figure

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It was 6:30 AM. BEEP BEEP BEEP. My alarm screeched. Reluctant, I clambered out of bed and got ready for work, I felt more tired than usual, but I thought nothing of it. I got into my car and started to drive, something was off, something wasn't quite right, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

After a long, hard day at work, I was exhausted! As soon as got back to my apartment, I collapsed on my bed, and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I rolled over, opened my eyes, and saw the clock it was 3:00 AM. I felt more awake and more aware than usual. Like wide awake. I haven't felt this awake since I was younger. I look around, a tall dark figure approached me. I felt terrified suddenly, I didn't recognize his face, or anything else, but it felt oddly familiar at the same time.
"H..hello?" I said petrified, struggling to reach for my phone to call the police. But it wasn't there.

"Don't be scared, Will." The figures voice was soft yet sinister at the same time. How did he know my name? Who is he? And why is he here?

"Ho.. how do you know my name?" I eventually said, my breath picked up, I was so confused, I felt sick, I felt dizzy, I felt... Then Darkness. I collapsed.


I woke, my eyes looking at the clock, it was 2:30 AM. I figured it must have been a dream, because I can't have slept 23 and a half hours. Can I? As I turn to get more comfortable, there he is again. Starring at me, with pricing eyes, I jump as I was startled, but was frozen in awe. He just stood there, and stared.

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