What did I do?

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 I didn’t get any sleep that night,I was too scared and sad. I got up and walked to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. My blue eyes were bloodshot from crying and lack of sleep, my blue hair is now matted and full of knots and I am still wearing the clothes I had on yesterday. I sighed and decided to take a shower. After taking a shower, I decided to put on black shorts and a red crop top with a red tank top underneath it. After putting on my clothes I went back into the bathroom and started to brush my hair. Finally done brushing my hair I put my hair and pigtails and started to brush my teeth. I sighed as walked down stairs, “One of my friends is dead and its my fault” was all I could think of. When I got down stairs I went into the kitchen and got a bottle of water, my phone, ear phones and key. I walked out of my house and locked the door. I started to walk to the forest, I know its not the smartest idea but I need to clear my mind and that was the only place I could. After what it felt like a hour walk I was finally at the entrance of the forest. I pulled out one of my earphones so I could hear everything around me and started to walk into the forest. I looked around the forest was not crowded with trees, its pretty clear and you can walk around in it easy. I walked deeper into the forest till I found a tree with branches that are close to the ground. I grabbed onto one of the branches and pulled myself up. I started to climb the tree tell I got on a branch that I could sit on. “The cops found a dead body in an alley. We identify the person As Rosalie, she died of blood loss” Those words kept haunting me. “Why is this happening” I thought, “what did I do”. I sighed as I closed my eyes, I was just about to fall asleep tell I felt my phone vibrate. My eyes shot open and I opened the message shaking a little. 

“Where are you?” It was from the guy again.

“What does it matter to you?” I texted back

“Don't be like now say u r sorry” I sighed I knew if I didn’t do what he said he could kill more of my friends.

“...I am sorry” 

“Good now tell me where u r.” 

“I am in a tree” 

“Go back to ur house. I want to see u.”

“And y should I?” I knew what he would do if I didn’t obey him. I sighed as I climbed down the tree and started to walk home,

“Because there will be a consequence if you don’t”

“Fine, I am walking back to my house” 

“Good girl I love u, say u love me back” I hate this person, he’s taking everything from me.

“I love u” no matter what happens I am never going to mean it. When I got home it was 1:00, “wow I was out for a while” I thought to myself. Once I got in the living room I took out my earphones, and took out my laptop I had. Once I typed in my password I went on youtube and started to watch, Tyler Okaly, Cornor Franta, and Superwomen. After 5 hours I shut off my laptop and went in the kitchen to get some food.  After making myself I peanut butter and Fluff sandwich I walked back into my living room. When I got there I saw my phone vibrating, so I walked up to it and looked at it. Another message from the guy. 

“Love, My plan will be done soon, and I will have u” I shook a little while reading this.

“Y r u doing this?” Was all I could type 

“I am doing this because I love u” “This is not love” I thought 

“This is not love, ur crazy!”

“Bad girl. Don't say stuff like that, I love u.”

“Now say I love you back” I couldn’t say it 

“......” I didn’t want to type it 

“Say it, or there will be punishments”

“I….hate you” I regretted that message right after sending it.

“Tsk, u were being so good. I guess that theres gonna have to be a punishment” after reading this I started to cry 

“Wait no I am sorry, plz don’t kill or hurt anyone” 

“Its to late Sky, u were rude and didn’t listen there has to be a punishment. Good bye.” After reading this I knew I couldn’t get out of this.”Why did I send this one of my friends could die now because of me again!” I thought to myself I had stopped crying I have no more tears, I sighed I need to go to bed. So I went up stairs and crawled in my bed and fell asleep after 3 hours of tossing and turning. I woke up by sirens going by my house.

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