Getting The Job Done

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We all ran towards the direction the sound came from. The only thing on my mind was my sisters. If they were injured or hit in any type of form, I'm killing his whole family. Soon as we got there I felt relieved. Amber had Skeez in a choke hold with her glock to his head. Sam on the other hand, was standing over a lifeless Micah.

" Aye Santanas don't scare me like that, I thought I was going down for a double homi and then some. " I said slightly chuckling

When I said " Santanas " the look on Skeez face showed that he was petrified. I wish I could have that picture taken and hung up on the wall. I patted Skeez back and chuckled.

" See Andre, you fucked with the WRONG bitch. I'm the one that everyone fears. It's crazy how you can plot on a group of people, and not realize that the most feared person, was amongst them. How do you not get the deets on every participant of your soooo thought out plan? You're lucky Micah was even alive to help you somewhat get out of the door. " Amber said with an evil laugh

" Can someone please tell me why the fuck my girlfriend is standing over this so called bodyguard of ours and his lifeless ass body? " Pierce asked with annoyance

Skeez began to chuckle which earned him a knife in his shoulder blade from Amber. This is getting interesting. But I definitely need to know what the fuck is going on as well. Shit we all do.

Skeez grunted and coughed up some blood " He was obsessed with your girlfriend Pierce. Micah wanted Sam, whilst I wanted Amber. "

" Skeez you don't have the right to talk. Now Amber and Sam please elaborate on what's going on before I snap on him. " I said irritated

Amber sighed " Micah created Santanas lowkey. This boy was stalking my best friend! When I say stalking I mean he had cameras hidden in our house and all! One day I got fed up. I was in the shower, and I heard someone speaking through a microphone. I turned the shower off and followed the sound. It was just me in the house though. I guess Micah wasn't paying attention to his screen because I walked right over to a hidden mic and camera. The mic was supposed to only let him hear us. But this one was malfunctioning I guess. I over heard him talking to someone about his obsession with Sam, and how today was the day. I was already in the mist of dealing with Caleb and that trapping shit. People were already trying to plot on me... Anyways, I turned the mic and camera off then searched the house for more. It was like 12 of them bitches in there. At this point I was pissed tf off! I can't even enjoy a shower without the fear of someone looking at my body parts. I texted Samantha and told her I was coming to get her. If he had cameras and microphones in our house, who tf knew what could be in her car? I got dressed, etc and checked my car and driveway. Soon I had my bodyguards come to my house and watch it. It was locked with security, but I didn't know how Micah did any of this shit. I went to pick up Sam and checked her car and shit. I found like a tracking device on her car but that was it. I put her on to what I overhead Micah saying. So we put a plan in motion. I had one of the bodyguards put the tracking device on his car. I had found this spot a few days back and decided to have the guard come here. I set up all of these rooms within 2 hours with some help. My mind was racing the wholeeee time! Sat here debating with myself on if this was really what I wanted to do. BUT I heard his car pull up. All of the debating went out the window and I was ready to kill. Needless to say, he was my first and only ATTEMPT at murder. I'm the reason he has the scars on him. He knows this place in and out because he escaped from out of our grip and tried to find his way out. Of course I barely knew the ins and out for real so I couldn't catch him. I didn't get charged though, I was like 16/17. His house and hideouts was ransacked. He tried to snitch on us but the police found all evidence of him stalking Sam. They said it was self defense. So we were straight. Ever since then I vowed to kill anyone that needed to be handled. And I did, with no remorse, no cops, nothing. "

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