Lesson 21: Don't Assume Things So Easily When It Comes To The Paige Siblings

Start from the beginning

"Selena, it's not what it looked like . . ." She said, coming towards me. I decided I was going to see if she was truly my friend and teach her a lesson.

"What's not what it looks like?" I asked casually, leaning back in my seat and discreetly slipping my phone in my pocket. Amber's eyes widened and she turned to Derek, and I think mouthed 'She doesn't know!' to him because he visibly relaxed. Then she turned back to me.

"In answer to your question," She gulped. "I thought you'd be angry that Derek gave me a ride he-" She started but cut herself off when she saw the look I was giving her.

You know how I didn't want Amber and Alice to meet Derek, well he didn't know that. So it would cause some complications if he did, for me and Amber.

"Derek," I said, and Derek glanced at me. "You can go now," He rolled his eyes at me, sent a wink at Amber, which I purposely ignored, and walked out of the room.

I turned to Amber with crossed arms, giving her a pointed look. If she didn't get the hint that I was giving her an opportunity to tell me what happened, I would snap.

I only had so much patience.

Thankfully, she seemed to get the hint.

"Selena, before you go all ninja on me because I didn't listen to your warning, please hear me out." She pleaded.

"I'm listening." I said simply, leaning back in my chair. Amber took a deep breath.

"Okay. As hard as it is to believe, I'd never planned on getting involved with your brother. Honestly. It's the first time I met him he was so good-looking and was all mysterious, not letting me know his name. Obviously, I couldn't ask you or else you'd get suspicious, so I decided maybe more chats with your brother would help me find out."

"So, you know when I said I needed to go to the bathroom?" Amber asked me, and I nodded.

"Well, it was actually an excuse to bump into your brother." She admitted sheepishly.

"I was curious okay! But I still didn't end up finding out his name. Then finally, this morning I was running late for school, and I called your house hoping you could drive me there. That's when your brother answered and my heart literally sped up hearing his voice. He told me that you was already at school, but offered me a ride, and I nearly fainted. Of course I accepted, because I'd grown a small crush on him.

"Soon he arrived with his motorbike, and that's when I had second thoughts. I mean, I barely knew him, I didn't even know his name! But he somehow convinced me that he wasn't going to hurt me, and eventually told me his name. Then he said teasingly if that was enough for me to ride with him, and I was like, 'Give me a break! I barely know you!' then he was like, 'Maybe you could on a date,' and I just about fainted." Amber rambled, and I leaned forward a bit. The story was getting good.

"So then I was thinking, 'What would Selena say?' and he somehow read my thoughts because he said that he'd deal with you, and that I was cute, sweet and funny and he'd like to get to know me better, so of course I said yes and we hugged. Then we had went on his motorbike and drove to school." She finished and took a deep breath.

"Are you done yet?" I asked, and she grinned at me.

"Nope." She said, popping the 'p' and carried on.

"So when we arrived at school, like the graceful person I am, I stumbled and fell off the motorbike." She said dryly, and I started laughing, while she glared at me.

"Anyway, Derek laughed at me a bit and I got all sulky. Then he said I should cheer up and put his arm around my shoulders, but I pulled away and said the only thing that would cheer me up was cookie dough." She said, and I rolled my eyes.

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